Further details on each sections will follow. Please bear with us, thank you.
更多詳細資料將在稍候的blogs介紹。請耐心等待, 謝謝。
NEWS ~ 22/07/2020
The UK government has unveiled the conditions.
BNO holders will allow to apply for either
30 months' leave to remain or,
Five years' leave to remain
And then eventully become British citizens.
BNO Visa route will open from January 2021. Eligible BNO holders are able to apply both inside and outside the UK.
英居留30個月,再續 30 個月 或
Refer to the document: New Immigration Route - BNO visa for further details
請參閱文檔: 移民英國的新政策 - BNO 簽證 了解更多詳情
The UK government has announced on the 1st July 2020, British National Overseas (BNO) passport holders will be offered a five-years visa and a path to British citizenship.
The Path to British Citizenship (BC)

What is 5+1?
1. 5-years visa to work or study
2. Eligible to apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) status
3. ILR = No time limit to stay in the UK
4. After 1-year on ILR – eligible to apply for British Citizenship

甚麼是 5+1?
1. 5年簽證 - 可工作或學習
2. 5年之後便有資格申請 Indefinite Leave to Remain(ILR)無限期居留的身份
3. ILR = 在英國停留的時間沒有限制 (無限期居留的)
4. 在ILR滿1年後 - 可以申請成為英國公民(BC)
Please visit our webpage for more details
更多細節,請瀏覽我們的網頁 https://www.hkbrits.com/bn-o-visa
NEWS 22/07/2020
BNO Holders' children who were born in 97 or later and are older than 18 years old will be able to apply if they are part of a family.
BNO持有人, 於1997年或以後出生的子女,縱使已超過18歲,該名成年子女仍可透過持有BNO的父母一同申請。
According to the letter written by the Home Secretary Priti Patel MP on 12th June 2020, "the definition of dependants so that the scheme is coherent with other areas of the Immigration Rules, ( i.e. spouse/partner and under-18 children).”
根據內政大臣 彭黛玲在2020年6月12日的信件指出,BNO方案內有關家屬的定義,將會與其他移民條例有關家屬的定義連貫一致。
This was a letter for the earlier 12-months scheme. Home Office will need to release further details for the 5-years scheme.
No public funds – cannot claim any benefits
Will have to show enough savings to support oneself and family while living in the UK. The amount is yet to be decided by Home Office.
不可領取以公帑支付的社會福利 (public funds)
需要証明銀行戶口有一定的存款 ; BNO持有人銀行存款需要足夠支付本人及其家屬在英國生活所需,內政部有需要發佈更多金額細節。
It is not yet clear whether citizenship for dependants will be by registration or naturalisation. If dependents aged 18 or over are required to naturalise, then they would need to sit an Exam on Life in the UK and English language. Under 18 and over 65 are exempted from the test.
現階段BNO家屬獲取公民資格的程序(註冊或歸化)仍未落實細節 。假如最後決定十八歲以上或家屬需要歸化,該名成年家屬便需要應考《英國生活測試》及英語。十八歲以下或六十五歲以上則豁免。
Home Office:
“School aged children of BN(O) visa holders will have access to public education.”

Infants & Reception (Pre-Prep) – Reception (before age 5)
Primary school~:
Key Stage 1
Year 1 (age 5-6)
Year 2 (age 6-7)
Key Stage 2
Years 3 (age 7-8) to Year 6 (age10-11)
Secondary school~:
Key Stage 3
Years 7(age 11-12) to Year 9 (age 13-14)
Years 10 (age 14-15) to Year 11 (age 15-16)
A-Levels (Sixth Form)
Years 12-13 (age 16-18)
即幼稚園 (五歲之前)
Key Stage 1 (國家課程第一階段)
一年級 (5-6歲)
二年級 (6-7歲)
Key Stage 2 (國家課程第二階段)
三至六年級 (7-11歲)
Key Stage 3 (國家課程第三階段)
七至九年級 (11-14歲)
Key Stage 4 應考GCSEs (國家課程第四階段, 即初中)
十至十一年級 (14-16歲)
A-Level (Sixth Form 高中)
十二至十三級 (第六級大學預備班,即兩年制預科 A Level高中)
Refer to the document: The British Education System for further details
請參閱文檔: 英國的教育制度了解更多詳情
This depends on where you live (Post code) – same as in Hong Kong.
入讀公立學校取決於您居住的地方 (Post Code) – 與香港相同
For secondary schools (11+) – Grammar and Comprehensive.
中學 (11 歲以上) – Grammar School (文法中學) 和 Comprehensive School (綜合性學校)
Grammar schools are more academic, and pupils are selected by means of examination.
Comprehensive schools have pupils with all abilities and aptitudes being taught together.
Grammar School (文法中學) – 需要考試才可入讀 – (類似香港Band 1 學校)
Comprehensive School (綜合性學校) – 學生不挑不揀不考試就可以入讀
Most state schools are comprehensive school.
Please read our “State Grammar School” post.
https://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/trad/uk/2016/09/160916_british_focus_new_grammar_schools - Traditional Chinese
Please read our Application Process for state schools
Private Schools
The school fee will be different for different year group.
走讀生 ~ (每年年 £15,000 - £17,000+, 不同年年級不同價錢)
寄宿生 ~ 非英國居民必須支付海外學生學費 (最少每年£3000+)
Day Pupil Fee ~ (£15,000 - £17,000+ per annum, depends on year group)
Boarding Fee ~ non-UK residents will have to pay for international fee (minimum £3,000+ per
University – 18+
大學 – 18+
BNOs and non-BC will have to pay international tuition fee.
BCs who have not ordinary lived in the UK for 3 years will have to pay international tuition fee too.
BNO 和 非英國公民 (non-BC) 須支付海外學生學費。
英國公民 (BC) 沒有在英國居住三年以上必須支付海外學生學費。
International fee: vary from £10,000-£38,000 per annum for full-time
BC local fee: £9,250 per annum for full-time
英國本地費用:全日制每年 £9,250
Immigration Health Surcharge for National Health Service (NHS)
This is normally a one-off payment and you pay for the charge during visa application. This charge is applied until the point settlement is reached.
You get an NHS number which you will need for seeing the doctors, dentists and prescription medicine (e.g antibiotics).
Doctors = Free
Dentist = minimum £22.70 (NHS)
醫生應診 = 免費
Medication = Prescription Charge £9.15 per item
買處方藥物 = 每樣£9.15
The fee is estimated to be £400 per year = £2000 for 5 years
NHS 費用估計每年為 £400 (£400 x 5 years = £2000)
When you start working, you will have to pay tax and national insurance (NI). NI is the contribution to NHS and State Pension.
當您開始工作時,您需要繳稅和交國民保險(National Insurance, NI)。
NI 是支付NHS 費用和未來政府給你的退休金。平時英國公民就是交 NI 來支付NHS。
National Insurance Number (NI number)
國民保險National Insurance 號碼 (NI 號碼)
You will have to make an appointment with the NI number application line (England, Scotland and Wales).
您需要跟NI 號碼申請熱線(英格蘭,蘇格蘭和威爾士)預約申請您的NI 號碼。
Telephone: 0800 141 2075
Textphone: 0800 141 2438
Monday to Friday, 9am to 3pm.
Calling from the UK to 0800 is free.
電話:0800 141 2075
短訊電話:0800 141 2438
週一至週五,上午9 點至下午3 點
Interview will be at your local Job Centre. Your will have to give evidence why you need to apply for a NI number. (e.g. Employment letter)
您需要去你自己選擇的local Job Centre 進行面試。 您必須提供證據說明你為什麼需要申請NI 號碼。(例如 – 聘書)
Right to Vote
BNOs have the right to vote in the UK including local and general elections.
BNO = British National
Evidence required – UK address
BNO 有權在英國進行投票,包括地方選舉和大選。
BNO = 英國國民 (British National)
Living Costs in the UK
It varies depending on where you live.
The closer you live in London the more expensive it is. Larger cities will also be more expensive than smaller towns.
Renting in London can vary between £400 - £1,000 per month per person.
倫敦的租金大約是每人每月 £400-£1,000 之間。
(Exclude bills and council tax 不包括水電煤, 電話網線和差餉)
Surrey, Berkshire, Kent and Hertfordshire are counties closer to London with cheaper house prices and rent prices.
薩里郡 (Surrey),伯克郡 (Berkshire),肯特郡 (Kent) 和 赫福郡 (Hertfordshire) 是比較近倫敦市的郡(counties), 房價和租金均較便宜。
Refer to the document: London Commuter Towns for further details
請參閱文檔: 倫敦通勤城鎮了解更多詳情
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