For more up to date news, please visit the website below
所有資訊均來自英國政府網站 Home Office,我們並提供了一些貼士和建議。
All details are obtained from the UK government website Home Office, and we have included some tips and suggestions.
香港 BN(O) 簽證的主要網站 The main website for BN(O) visa
香港 BN(O) 簽證的全面指南 Home Office BN(O) Visa Guidance
香港 BN(O) 簽證簡介 BN(O) leaflet
The Path to British Citizenship (BC)
甚麼是 5+1?
5年簽證 - 可工作或學習
5年之後便有資格申請 Indefinite Leave to Remain(ILR)無限期居留的身份
ILR = 在英國停留的時間沒有限制 (無限期居留的)
在ILR滿1年後 - 可以申請成為英國公民(BC)
What is 5+1?
5-years visa to work or study
Eligible to apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) status
ILR = No time limit to stay in the UK
After 1-year on ILR – eligible to apply for British Citizenship
Have the following rights in the UK:
✔ Live 居留
✔ Work 工作
✔ Study 讀書
✘ No access to public funds (e.g. social welfare benefits: Universal Credit etc)
✘ 不可以領取社會福利 (例如社會福利:綜合社會保障援助,失業救濟等)
How much does it cost?
1. BN(O) Visa Fee 簽證費用
You and your family members will each need to pay for the visa application fee.
5年簽證 = 每人 £250
簽證為2年6月= 每人 £180 (之後可以再延長多30個)
* 比起其他簽證渠道更便宜 (學生Tier 4 £348、工作 Tier 2: £610、家庭簽證: £1523 在英國外申請/ £1033 在英國內申請)
£250 per person for 5 years
£180 per person for 2 years 6 months visa then renew for another 2 years 6 months
* Lower than other visa routes (Student Tier 4: £348, Work Tier 2: £610, Family Visa: £1,523 outside UK/ £1,033 inside UK)
如果你是使用 online 表格申請,而不是等到 23/02/21 用手機 app 應用程式進行申請
你還必須額外支付 £19.20 來打指紋和相片登記 (biometric information 生物辨識)。
然後,你將獲得一張 Biometric Resident Permit (BRP卡)。
你還必須在收到護照後 90天內進入英國
如果你擁有 BN(O) 或 香港特區的智能護照 (護照正面底部的小符號),那麼你就可以等到2月23日,然後在香港或英國通過手機 app 進行申請 (掃描護照)。
成功獲得簽證後,Home Office 將為你提供數碼副本的BN(O)簽證。
在英國邊境申請 Leave Outside the Rules (LOTR) 已延長至3月底
建議:可以在2021年3月31日之前在英國邊境申請 LOTR,然後通過手機 app 進行申請 BN(O) 簽證
如果你在簽證到期之前申請新的簽證 (BNO Visa),那麼你的居留日期將自動延長,直到你收到 Home Office 的決定 https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1971/77/section/3C
If you are applying using the online form, rather than waiting until 23/02/21 to apply via the Home Office digital app using your phone,
then you will also need to pay £19.20 for your fingerprints and photo taken as the biometric information.
You will then get a Biometric Resident Permit (BRP).
You will also need to come into the UK within 90 days after you received your passport
The main difference between applying now and applying on 23rd Feb
If you have one of these biometric passport (a small symbols at the front bottom of your passport ) - BN(O) or HKSAR, then you can wait until 23rd Feb and apply on your mobile app.
You will not have to attend an appointment to give your fingerprints and photo, and you will not get a visa sticker in your passport.
You will be given a digital copy of your BN(O) status once you have been successfully granted a BN(O) visa.
There is no deadline to enter into the UK.
For friends who are in HK
Leave Outside the Rules (LOTR) at the UK border has been extend until end of March.
Suggestion: enter the UK before 31st March 2021 with LOTR and then apply BN(O) visa through the app
Hong Kongers that are already in the UK
If you make a new visa application (BNO Visa) BEFORE your current visa expires, then your permission to stay will automatically be extended until you receive the decision from Home Office. https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1971/77/section/3C
2. 醫療附加費
Health Surcharge
You and your family members will each need to pay for the health surcharge.
你需要在網上申請 BN(O) 簽證時支付這個 IHS 費用。這樣你將可以使用英國衛生處 (NHS)。
You pay the healthcare surcharge as part of your online visa application. This will allow you to use the National Health Service (NHS).
成人5年 = £3,120 或
成人2年6月 = £1,560
小童5年= £2,350 或
小童2年6月 = £1,175
Adult 5 years = £3,120 or
Adult 2 years 6 months = £1,560
Child 5 years = £2,350 or
Child 2 years 6 months = £1,175
You will still need to pay for some NHS service such as prescriptions (depends on where you live), dental care and eye tests.
你可以在下面的連結查詢更多有關 IHS 的資訊, 例如 如何退款
You can find more information about IHS in the link below, such as how to refund
BN(O) 的家屬
Family dependents
以下沒有 BN(O) 的家屬, 必須與 BN(O)持有人一起申請
成年子女 (1997年7月1日出生或之後)和其配偶/伴侶或其子女 (孫- 18歲以下) 救三代! 需要通常和你一起住
其他家庭成員 18歲以上(父母、祖父母、兄弟、姐妹、兒子或女兒)需要受到你高度依賴的家屬及同住
家庭單位,必須一起申請。你在獲批出 BN(O) visa 之後,他們就無法後加。
The following family members without BN(O) must apply together with the BN(O) holder
Unmarried Partner
Child under 18 when first applied
Adult child born on or after 1 July 1997 (and their partner or child under the age of 18) who normally lives with you
Other family members 18 or older (parent, grandparent, brother, sister, son or daughter) if they live with you and are very dependent on you for their care.
Your family members must apply at the same time as you. They cannot apply after you get a decision about your visa application.
Although family members must apply at the same time, but they may choose to travel to the UK separately.
When you apply, you and your family member will need to provide evidence of your relationship and that you live together.
你的伴侶 或
在英國認可的 civil partnership 或婚姻中 或
Partners must be 18 or older.
The relationship must be genuine and subsisting.
They can either be:
your partner or
your adult child’s partner
They’ll need to prove that they’re either:
in a civil partnership or marriage that’s recognised in the UK (digital copy of the certificate) or
in a relationship and have been living with their partner for at least 2 years when they apply
Children under 18
18歲以下的小朋友在英國逗留期間必須與父母住在一起,除非小朋友 living away from home to study。
有嚴重且令人信服的理由允許孩子與獲得BN(O)渠道的祖父母或 BN(O)祖父母的伴侶同住
Your or your partner’s child must apply at the same time as you.
Grandchildren must apply at the time as you and their parents
Children under 18 must intend to live with their parents during their stay in the UK, unless they’re living away from home to study.
All children under 18 will need to apply with both of their parents.
There are exceptions:
the parent who is a BN(O) or the partner of a BN(O) is the only living parent
the parent who is a BN(O) or the partner of a BN(O) has sole responsibility for bringing up the child
there are serious and compelling reasons to grant the child to stay with the parent who has permission on the BN(O) route
there are serious and compelling reasons to grant the child to stay with the BN(O) grandparent or BN(O) grandparent’s partner who has permission on the BN(O) route
Evidence of the relationship
a full birth certificate
an adoption certificate
a court order, such as a special guardianship order
Children 18 or older
他們必須通常與你一起生活,除非他們 living away from home to study (例如大學宿舍)。
You or your partner’s child (18 or older) can apply as your dependant if they were born on or after 1 July 1997.
They must normally live with you, unless they’re living away from home to study (e.g. living at university hall of residence).
Evidence of the relationship
a full birth certificate
an adoption certificate
a court order, such as a special guardianship order
Other family members who live with you
其他家庭成員 18歲以上,需要受到你高度依賴的家屬及同住
如果符合條件,他們可以作為“adult dependent relative”申請。
Other adult family members (18 or older) can only apply if they are very dependent on you for their care. For example, they rely on your care to perform everyday tasks because of illness or disability.
This includes your or your partner’s:
parent or grandparent
brother or sister
son or daughter
Evidence to proof high dependency
For example, medical conditions, how long have they been living together and how care is provided.
如果在申請過程中 BN(O) 持有人不幸身亡
If a BN(O) is deceased or dies during the application process,
主要 BN(O) 持有人在提出申請之前不幸身亡,那麼他的家庭成員將沒有資格申請,除非他們是 BN(O) 持有人或另一位家庭成員是 BN(O) 持有人。
如果BN(O)持有人在申請過程中死亡,這就沒問題,他的家庭成員可以等待簽證批准。在適當的情況下,他的家庭成員可能會獲得家庭 LOTR 簽證。
Family members of a BN(O) holder who died before an application was made, then they will not be eligible to apply, unless they are a BN(O) holder or another family member is BN(O) holder.
This does not apply if the BN(O) holder dies during the application process. If appropriate, and on a case by case basis, you may grant family leave outside the rules.
Document you need for the application
You will need:
A valid passport or travel document that shows your identity and nationality
BN(O)護照持有人 – 當你申請時,可以用現有有效或己過期的BN(O)護照 (或副本) 去證明你的BN(O)身分。
如果你己經沒有BN(O)護照,你仍然可以申請。 Home Office 會檢查你的身分,但是可能需要更長的時間才能對你的申請作出決定。
BN(O) passport holder – you can use your current or expired BN(O) passport (or a photocopy) to show your BN(O) status when you apply.
If you no longer have a BN(O) passport you can still apply. Home Office will check your status but it may take longer to get your decision on your application.
貼士: 最好用返你本 BN(O) 護照來申請 BN(O) 簽證,因為它在英國具有投票權!
Tip: It is best to use your BN(O) passport to apply for this visa, as it has voting rights in the UK!
You also need to provide evidence:
在香港、英國、海峽群島或曼島擁有永久住址 (有屋企住址證明)
所有非英語文件必須有認證翻譯 (certified translation)。
You have a permanent home in Hong Kong, the UK, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man
That you have enough money to support yourself and your family
Of your relationship with family members
Of your tuberculosis TB test certificate
Your must provide a certified translation of any documents that are not in English.
Certified translation: https://www.gov.uk/certifying-a-document
Proof of your permanent home address
**你最多提供3份文件去證明你的永久住址 (有屋企住址證明):
**你仍然可以再提供多一兩個額外的文件給Home Office檢查,以防其中一個不合格,你還有另一個後備文件。
*簽證和居留許可證 - 通常是沒有你的住址證明,但這可以證明你以學生身份 (Tier 4) 居住在英國,或者正在使用Tier 2工作簽證或Tier 5 Working Holiday簽證在英國工作。
*其他移民文件 - 可能是內政部 Home Office 的信件,上面寫有你的地址。
以上的清單只是 Home Office 列出的例子。你還可以提供其他文件,證明你的地址。
郡/市政府稅單(1/4/20 – 31/3/21財政年度)
地租單 (最近期)
郡/市政府稅單是在1/4/20 – 31/3/21財政年度發出才會受理。
請不要遞交10年之前的糧單,內政部將不會接受 (太舊了! 唔 update!)。請改用其他文件可以證明你的地址。
**You will need to provide up to 3 documents that show your permanent home address:
Records of rent or mortgage payment
Household or utility bills
A visa, residence permit or other immigration documents (or a coloured photocopy) *
A letter from an employer confirming your employment
** You can still provide one or two more extra documents for them to check, just in case one of them is not qualified and you still have another one to back up.
*Visa and residence permit – don’t normally have your address on them but it would prove that you are living in UK as a student (Tier 4) or working using Tier 2 work visa or Tier 5 working holiday visa.
Other immigration document – That might be letters from the Home Office with your address on it.
This list is not just examples from the Home Office. You may also provide other documents that would show your proof of address.
Other documents examples you can provide:
Council Tax Bill (1/4/20 – 31/3/21 tax year)
Management Fee Bill (Most recent)
Ground Rent Bill (Most recent)
Phone Bill (within 3 months)
Make sure the documents for your proof of address are not too old
Utility bills tend to be acceptable within 3 months.
Council tax bill will be acceptable from 1/4/20 – 31/3/21.
Don’t send in payslips that are 10 years old, the Home Office will not accept it. Use other documents that can proof your address instead.
For those who have just recently arrived in the UK, it is best you show a combination of your proof of address in both Hong Kong and UK (e.g. UK rental agreement).
貼士: 如果是18歲以下的子女,Home Office 接受他們在你照顧之下同你一起住。如果他們也有自己的銀行月結單,則可以考慮提供此文件用來證明其住址。
Your family members (dependants) will need to provide evidence that their permanent home address is the same as yours.
Tip: If children under 18 years old, Home Office should accept they are living at the same address as you as they are in your care. If they also have their own bank statement, then you can also consider providing this as their proof of address.
Proof of living expenses
You do not need to show this if you’ve been living in the UK for 12 months or more.
Tip: It is always best to give extra evidence just in case of rejection.
貼士: 總是最好提供額外的證明以防萬一。
貼士: 如果你出示你的聯名戶口月結單作為證明,你則需要徵得另一個戶口持有人的同意才能使用此文件。(Part 2: Consent for the Home Office to verify third party information in the application form)
貼士: 如果你的資金是來自家人或朋友,則必須讓他們簽署一份聲明,並同意為你提供經濟支援和同意使用此文件作為證明。(Part 3: Consent for the Home Office to verify information from third party sponsor in the application form)
You’ll need to show you either:
have enough money to pay for your housing and to support yourself and your family for 6 months
will earn enough money to pay for your housing and to support yourself and your family for 6 months
This can include:
your income and savings as well as your family member’s
Tip: If you are showing a joint account bank statement as your evidence, then you will need to get the consent from the other account holder for you to use this document. (Part 2: Consent for the Home Office to verify third party information in the application form)
an offer of help from family or friends
Tip: If you have funds that are from family or friends, then you must get them to sign a declaration and agree to give their financial support and provide the document for the application. (Part 3: Consent for the Home Office to verify information from third party sponsor in the application form)
除了住宿費用外,你還需要有至少與英國的 Income Support 相同的金額。
As well as money for housing costs, you will need at least the same amount as someone would get on Income Support in the UK.
How much you need depends on how many family members are applying with you
£2,000 單身成人
£3,100 一對夫婦/伴侶和一個孩子
£4,600 一對夫婦/伴侶和三個孩子
£9,200 一對夫婦/伴侶,父母和兩個成年子女
For example, you’ll need about:
£2,000 for a single adult
£3,100 for a couple with a child
£4,600 for a couple with 3 children
£9,200 for a couple, 2 parents and 2 adult children
一封朋友或家人的信, 證明他們有能力有錢可以照顧你和你的家人 ( 岀示例如銀行月結單或糧單 )
工作聘書通常不被視為證明,除非這是你剛剛開始了的一份新工作 (還是跟原來的僱主工作)。
You might need to provide evidence such as:
Bank or saving account statements
Proof of income from self employment
Proof of income from rental property
A letter from friends or family with evidence (such as bank statements or payslips) that they have the money to support you and your family
A letter confirming an offer of accommodation from friends or family
A tenancy or mortgage agreement
At least one piece of evidence must be dated no more than 31 days before you submit your application.
An offer of work doesn’t usually count as evidence unless it’s a new job with your current employer.
Evidence of your relationship with family members
If you are applying with family members from your household, you will need to provide evidence of your relationship with them.
貼士: *可以出示他們的銀行月結單或其他賬單與你有相同的住址
For example:
A copy of a marriage or civil partnership certificate
A birth certificate or adoption certificate for children
Evidence that their permanent home address is the same as yours*
Tip: *Can show their bank statements or bills that have the same address as you
World Travel History
You will need to provide your travel history for the past 10 years.
(exclude: the UK, USA, Canada, Austrialia, New Zealand, Switzerland or EU countries)
Which country
The reason for your visit, for example, tourism or work
Date of entry and exit
TB test certificate
Applying from outside the UK
You must provide a TB certificate:
If you have been living in Hong Kong or another country where you have to take a TB test for the past 6 months.
Your certificate must not be more than 6 months old.
Country you need to take a TB test:
Approved test centre in Hong Kong:
UMP or Quality Health
5 clinics available
聯合 或 卓健
Approved test centre abroad:
Already in the UK
有些人可能是簽證持有人(Tier 4學生,Tier 5 Working Holiday和Tier 2工作簽證),並且因為簽證到期了,所以需要出境之後再入境轉為 Leave Outside the Rule (LOTR)。
對於那些己經在英國居住了至少6個月,並去了歐盟國家或不需要進行肺結核病測試的國家(未離開英國超過6個月),之後己經入境轉為 LOTR的人士。你無需要做肺結核病測試。
If you have provided a TB certificate to come to the UK, you do not need to show one again.
Otherwise, you will need to provide a TB test certificate to stay in the UK if you came from Hong Kong or another country where you have to take the TB test.
Some of you might be visa holders (Tier 4 Student, Tier 5 Working Holiday and Tier 2 Work visa) and your visa was expiring. Therefore, you went out and back in to switch to Leave Outside the Rule (LOTR).
For those who have lived in the UK for at least a minimum of 6 months and gone to the EU or countries that are not listed for TB test (not left UK for more than 6 months) and came back in to switch to LOTR. NO TB test is required.
Country you need to take a TB test:
TB Certificate
Your TB test certificate must be from an approved test centre abroad or in the UK.
Approved test centre abroad:
Approved test centre in UK:
There are currently 8 approved test clinics in the UK:
Most of the clinics require you to call them to book an appointment. 大多數的診所都是直接打電話預約。
倫敦 London
Knightsbridge Doctors
Website: www.knightsbridge-doctors.com
Tel: +44 (0)20 7589 8965
Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm
Test fees:
Adults (over 18): medical & chest x-ray £200
Children (11 - 18): medical & chest x-ray £175
Children (under 11): medical examination £75
倫敦 London
Visa Medicals
Website: www.visamedicals.co.uk
Email: bookings@visamedicals.co.uk
Tel: +44(0)20 7486 7821 (select option 3 for UK visa)
Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm
Test fees:
Adults: £200
Children (under 11): £75
伯明翰 Birmingham
Modality Immigration Services
Email: imm.meds@nhs.net
Tel: +44(0)12 1523 1807
Test fees:
Adults: £195 (or £295 including a sputum test)
Children: £115 (or £205 including a sputum test)
曼徹斯特 Manchester:
Northern Visa Medicals
Website: www.northernvisamedicals.co.uk
Tel: +44(0)16 1272 5895
Monday to Friday: 8am – 4pm
Test fees:
Adults: £210
Children (under 11): £85
德文郡 Devon
Nuffield Hospital Plymouth
Tel: +44(0)800 999 1824
Monday to Friday: 8am – 6pm
Test fees:
Adults: £235
Children (under 11): £80
伯克郡 Berkshire
The Bridge Clinic (Maidenhead)
Website: www.bridge-clinic.com
Email: admin@bridge-clinic.com
Tel: +44(0)16 2876 0900
Monday to Friday: 9am – 6pm
Test fees:
Adults: £195
Children (11-18): £195
Children (0-10): £100
蘇格蘭 Scotland
Bryden Medical Limited
Website: www.edinburghclinic.com
Email: bookings@edinburghclinic.com
Tel: +44(0)14 1226 2530
Monday to Friday: 9am – 5pm
Test fees:
Adults: £210
Children (Under 11): £85 if x-ray is required then it will be £210
蘇格蘭 Scotland
The Edinburgh Clinic
Website: www.brydenmedical.com
Email: admin@brydenmedical.com
Tel: +44(0)13 1447 2340
Monday to Friday: 8am – 8pm
Test fees: £200
How to apply with your family?
家庭單位,必須一起申請。你在獲批出 BN(O) 簽證之後,他們就無法後加。
作為主要的 BN(O) 申請人,你需要先申請
家人需要主要 BN(O) 申請人的號碼來申請
Global Web Form (GWF) 或
Unique Application Number (UAN)
Your family members must apply at the same time as you. They cannot apply after you get a decision about your visa application.
Each family member will need to make their own application as your dependant.
As the main British national (overseas), you’ll need to submit your application first.
Once you’ve submitted, your family members should apply on the same day.
They’ll need to use your application number in their application.
Application number is called:
Global Web Form (GWF) or
Unique Application Number (UAN)
Apply in the UK
Before you apply, you can check:
What documents you will need 你需要甚麼文件
How to apply with your family 如何跟你的家人一齊申請
轉去 BNO visa
Switch to a BNO visa
如果你符合資格要求,並且你現時用其他不同的簽證 (e.g. LOTR, 遊客, Tier 2,4,5) 留在英國,你是可以申請轉換為BN(O)簽證。
If you meet the eligibility requirements, you can apply to switch to a BNO visa if you are already in the UK on a different UK visa (e.g. LOTR, visitor, Tier 2, 4,5).
Eligibility requirement 資格要求: https://www.gov.uk/british-national-overseas-bno-visa
Your UK visa has expired or your 6-month visit has ended
對於在英國的朋友,如果你的簽證在 01/02/2021至23/02/2021 之間過期,你應該盡快申請 BN(O) 簽證。
If you meet the eligibility requirements, you can still apply for a BN(O) visa if either:
Your UK visa expired between 1 July 2020 and 31 January 2021
Your 6 month visit ended between 1 July 2020 and 31 January 2021
Then you will need to apply by 31 March 2021.
For those who are in the UK with visa expiring soon between 01/02/2021 - 23/02/2021, you should apply the BNO visa ASAP.
Those whose grant of LOTR is due to expire must submit an appplication before their permission runs out otherwise they risk overstaying.
Apply Online
在網上申請時,其中的一部分是你需要在UK Visa and Citizenship Application Services(UKVCAS)簽證申請中心進行預約,並提供Home Office指定的文件。
你的指紋和照片將會被登記 (生物辨識)。
As part of your online application, you will need to book an appointment at the UK Visa and Citizenship Application Services (UKVCAS) service point to provide your documents and prove your identity.
You will be told how to do this when you apply.
Your fingerprints and photograph would be taken (biometric information).
The UKVCAS service point may keep your passport and documents while processing your application.
UKVCAS information from Home Office: https://www.gov.uk/ukvcas
Official website of UKVCAS 官網:
UKVCAS locations 地點: https://www.ukvcas.co.uk/locations
一些中心是主要服務中心,因此它們有免費的預約(平日)。 這些中心仍然可以提供非辦工時間或週末的預約 (premium appointment 優先處理預約)。
* 某些中心僅提供優先處理預約(premium appointment),約£110 - £250不等。 目前好多中心都非常爆棚,所以最快的預約是2月尾到3月! (如果你可以等,請使用由23/2/21開始接受用手機 app 來進行申請 )
Some centres are core service centre so they have free appointments (weekdays). They can still provide premium appointments like out of service hours or during the weekend.
*Some centres only provide premium service appointments ranging roughly between £110 - £250. Many of the centres are very full at this moment and available appointments are in end of February and March! (If you can wait then apply from 23/2/21 using the Home Office Digital App)
Opening hours :
This link can also allow you to see which service point is core or premium.
這連結還可以讓你查看哪個中心是主要服務中心或優先處理服務 premium service 中心。
Temporarily Closed Service Point 暫時關閉的中心: Aberdeen, Ipswich
New Service Point Open 新開的中心: Liverpool
** 從2021年2月23日開始申請簽證可能會更快。如果你擁有BNO,HKSAR或EEA電子護照(帶有晶片),你可以使用智能手機應用程式 (Home Office Digital App) 來證明你的身份,而不用去UKCAS簽證申請中心。**
想知道更加多的資訊,請等待內政部 Home Office 的更新。
** It may be faster to apply from 23 February 2021 if you have a BNO, HKSAR or EEA e-passport (with a chip). You can use a smartphone app (Home Office Digital App) to prove your identity, instead of going to a UKCAS service point. **
For further information, please wait for the Home Office to update.
Get help to apply online
You can get help with completing the online form if you:
Do not feel confident using a computer or mobile device
Do not have internet access
Can only use this service if you’re applying for a visa in the UK.
No immigration advice through this service.
Get help with completing the online form
Apply from outside the UK
Before you apply, you can check:
What documents you will need你需要甚麼文件
How to apply with your family 如何跟你的家人一齊申請
Apply Online
在網上申請時,其中的一部分是你需要在UK Visa and Citizenship Application Services(UKVCAS)簽證申請中心進行預約,並提供Home Office指定的文件。
你的指紋和照片將會被登記 (生物辨識)。
As part of your online application, you will need to book an appointment at the UK Visa and Citizenship Application Services (UKVCAS) service point to provide your documents and prove your identity.
You will be told how to do this when you apply.
Your fingerprints and photograph would be taken (biometric information).
The UKVCAS service point may keep your passport and documents while processing your application.
UKVCAS information from Home Office: https://www.gov.uk/ukvcas
香港只有兩間 UKVCAS 中心
There are only two UKVCAS centres in Hong Kong
Hong Kong - North Point
Hong Kong - Quarry Bay
These two centres have both the normal service and premium service for you to choose.
** 從2021年2月23日開始申請簽證可能會更快。如果你擁有BNO,HKSAR或EEA電子護照(帶有晶片),你可以使用智能手機應用程式 (Home Office Digital App) 來證明你的身份,而不用去UKCAS簽證申請中心。**
想知道更加多的資訊,請等待內政部 Home Office 的更新。
** It may be faster to apply from 23 February 2021 if you have a BNO, HKSAR or EEA e-passport (with a chip). You can use a smartphone app (Home Office Digital App) to prove your identity, instead of going to a UKCAS service point. **
For further information, please wait for the Home Office to update.
Continue an application
You can continue your application if you have saved it. To do this, you can sign in to your account using the link from your sign-up email.
After you apply
Once applied online, proved your identity and provided your documents (at UKVCAS), you will usually get a decision on your visa within 12 weeks.
* 根據內政部的說法,使用digital app進行申請會比在網上申請更快。
* According to Home Office, the applying using the digital app would be quicker than online to get a decision.
如果你的申請需要更長的時間批核,Home Office將會與你聯絡,例如:
You will be contacted if your application will take longer, for example:
Your supporting documents need to be verified
There is information missing from your application
You need to attend an interview
Of your personal circumstances, for example if you have a criminal conviction for an offence that is recognised in the UK
You can stay in the UK until you have been given a decision, as long as you applied before your last visa expired or before you’ve been in the UK for 6 months.
You must not travel outside of the UK, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man until you get a decision.
If you need to change or cancel your application
如果你在遞交完申請表後需要更改某些內容,請聯繫UK Visas and Immigration(UKVI)。
If you need to change something in your application after you have sent it = contact UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI).
You can ask to cancel your application. (https://www.gov.uk/cancel-visa)
Your fee will only be refunded if UKVI has not started processing your application.
After you get a decision
You will get a letter or an email containing the decision on your application. This will explain what you need to do next.
你將收到一封包含你的申請結果的信件或電子郵件。 這將說明你下一步需要做甚麼。
Find out what happens after you get your decision
* 如果你通過Digital App申請BNO簽證,則不會獲得生物辨識居民證(Biometric Resident Permit, BRP)。 這對於將來的你比較簡單方便,因為你進入英國未來5年無需要帶BRP卡。 通常擁有BRP卡的人士,如果忘記了帶,那你會好麻煩,也可能會影響你進入英國。
*You will not get a biometric resident permit (BRP) if you apply the BNO visa via the digital app. This is simpler for future, as you don’t need to carry the BRP card with you for the next 5 years when you enter into UK. For those who have a BRP card, if you forget it then you are in trouble and may affect you entering into UK.
If your application is unsuccessful
You may be able to stay in the UK for up to 12 months if you were not able to prove that you:
Have enough money to support yourself and your family in the UK
Have a permanent home in the UK, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man, or Hong Kong
當你收到結果信時,它會確認你是否允許這樣做 (停留在英國最多12個月)。
When you get your decision letter, it will say if you are allowed to do this (stay for a maximum 12 months).
You will be able to apply for a BNO visa again.
If your application is unsuccessful, your family members’ applications will also be refused.
If you leave the UK, you will get a refund for the healthcare surcharge you paid for each unsuccessful application. Some of your healthcare surcharge fee will be refunded if you stay in the UK for up to 12 months after you get your decision.
Translated version of the application form
Some questions may not apply to all applicants. It depends on you and where you filled out the application form, in the UK or HK.
The questions asked in this application will be similar to the digital app in 23rd Feb 2021.
這申請表中的問題,將會與2月23號的數碼申請表 app 分別不大。
For reference only, with no guarantee.
如果你有任何疑問,請 Email or PM 我們,我們會盡力回答。
Please message us if you have any queries and we will try our best to answer them.
Indefinite leave to remain (ILR)
在英國居住5年後,你可以申請 ILR ( 5年後的加一 )
如果你已經在英國度過了一段定居之路(例如Tier 2 工作簽證),那麼這段時間將計入5年。
✘ Tier 4 學生簽證、Tier 5 工作假期和 LOTR 不是定居途徑,因此不會計入5年期。
Once you have lived in the UK for 5 years you can apply for ILR.
If you’ve already spent time in the UK on a route to settlement (e.g. Tier 2 work visa), this time will count towards the 5 years.
✘ Tier 4, Tier 5 and LOTR are not routes to settlement, therefore will not count towards the 5 years.
申請 ILR 時,你需要:
支付申請 ILR 費用
BNO 簽證是一條逃生的渠道,離開英國的日子不要算得太盡。
When apply for ILR, you will need to:
meet the English language requirements
pass the Life in the UK Test (£50)
have spent no more than 180 days outside the UK in any 12 months in the previous 5 years
pay a fee to apply for settlement
For a grant of settlement on BN(O) route
18歲以下的 BN(O) 子女,必須與父母雙方 正在申請永居 (ILR)、或者已經獲得永居 (ILR)、或者已經是英國公民,他們才能申請定居(ILR)。
其他需要受到你高度依賴的家庭成員,他們必須與主BN(O)申請人或主BN(O)申請人的伴侶正在申請永居 (ILR)、或者已經獲得永居 (ILR)、或者已經是英國公民,他們才能申請永居(ILR)。
a BN(O) household child must be being granted at the same time as their BN(O) parent, and/or their other parent who is already settled or a British citizen.
a BN(O) adult dependent relative must also be applying for settlement at the same time as the BN(O) status holder or the partner of a BN(O) status holder, or who is already settled or a British citizen.
ILR application fees (Jan 2021)
British citizenship
You will be able to apply for citizenship once you’ve been settled in the UK for 12 months. You’ll need to pay a fee to apply for citizenship.
在你發出申請表給 Home Office 之前,證明你已經在英國居住了5年
You must also:
be over 18 (please read below if your child is under 18)
prove you were in the UK exactly 5 years before the day the Home Office receives your application
intend to continue living in the UK
be of good character - read the naturalisation guidance
Time you’ve spent outside the UK
✘ 你不應該:
在申請公民之前的5年中,在英國境外度過 450日以上 ( = 每年不能超過90日)
在過去的12個月裡在英國以外度過 90日以上
✘ You should not have:
spent more than 450 days outside the UK during the 5 years before your application
spent more than 90 days outside the UK in the last 12 months
broken any UK immigration laws (for example living illegally in the UK)
Citizenship fees
The application costs (Dec 2020):
你還必須支付 £19.20 來獲取 biometric information(指紋和照片)。
You must also pay £19.20 to have your biometric information (fingerprints and a photo) taken.
If your appplication is successful,
費用 £80 (2021年1月)
You will need attend a citizenship ceremony
It costs £80 (Jan 2021)
During the ceremony:
You’ll have to make an oath of allegiance and a pledge. This means you promise to respect the rights, freedoms and laws of the UK.
they will give you a certificate of British citizenship and a welcome pack
Once you have obtained your citizenship certificate
你必須在獲得英國國籍證書後的5個工作日內將 BRP send 回 Home Office
你可以申請第一本英國護照! 費用為 £75.50 或 £85 https://www.gov.uk/apply-first-adult-passport
You must send your biometric residence permit (BRP) back to the Home Office within 5 working days of getting your certificate of British citizenship.
You can apply for your first British passport! It costs £75.50 or £85 https://www.gov.uk/apply-first-adult-passport
Applying for your children
You must apply separately for your children under 18.
The application costs: ( Jan 2021 )
You must also pay £80 for your child’s citizenship ceremony if they turn 18 during the application process.
如果孩子在申請過程中年滿18歲,你還必須為孩子的入籍儀式支付 £80。
Guidance to apply for your children:
UK Report Hotlines
Below is several hotlines for reporting any suspicious activity.