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英國超級市場 (Part 2) Supermarkets in UK

從我們之前介紹過常見的超級市場,我們將在這篇中介紹大眾化獨特和網上超市,以及英國一些常見的 Corner shops 街角商店。

Follow up from our previous supermarket article, in this post we will be introducing the discount, exclusive and online supermarkets, as well as some common corner shops in the UK.


Discount Supermarkets


Founded: 1946 Essen, Germary

Headquarters: Essen, Germany

Number of stores in UK: 890

Aldi 是歐洲,包括英國,的一間受歡迎的平價連鎖超市。它於1990年在英國伯明翰 (Birmingham) 開設了第一間超市,目前英國擁有890多間 Aldi。它是僅次於 Morrisons 的第五大超市!


Aldi 其中一行出售一些特別產品,例如烤麵包機頭盔、滑雪用品、儲物盒等等


  • 通常大多數店鋪不大和擠迫,而且沒有自助收銀機

  • 有些位於城鎮/城市邊緣的區域,並設有停車場

  • 有些位於市中心



  • 送貨上門(購物超過30英鎊會有免費送貨服務 )

  • 網上訂購並可在商店提取

Aldi is a popular discount supermarket chain in Europe including the UK. It opened its first UK store in 1990, in Birmingham, now has over 890 stores. It is the fifth largest supermarket after Morrisons!

Most of their own-brand products are cheaper than the bigger chains, but the quality fluctuates. They also provide branded goods but has limited stocks.

There’s a famous “middle aisle” in Aldi where they sell some special products, for example ski equipment, toaster, helmet, storage box etc.

Store sizes:

  • Most stores are usually smaller, more compact, with no self-checkout tills.

  • Some are located in the outskirt of town/city with parking

  • Some are located in city centre

No Loyalty Scheme

Online services:

  • Home delivery (Free standard delivery for over £30)

  • CollectPlus: Click and Collect

Special Offers:


  • Super 6 – 每兩週提供六種減價的新鮮水果和蔬菜 ( Offers six different discount fresh fruits and vegetables every two weeks )

  • For example:

  • Super Weekly – 每周會提供減價肉類 ( Discount meats every week )

Most stores have no self-checkout



(Pronunciation: Lee-dl 呢度)

Founded: 1930 in Germany

Headquarters: Neckarsulm, Germany

Number of stores in UK: 800

Lidl是一家德國超市,格式與 Aldi 非常相似,而且價錢都比其他超市便宜得多。

個人意見 :

Lidl的麵包部非常好: 可以試他們的牛角麵包(只需37p)!


  • “每週精選Pick of the Week” : 每週都會有某些特價產品

  • “賣哂就冇㗎啦When is gone, is gone”: 有一有產品(有自家品牌或大品牌)只會入一次貨,所以賣晒就冇!

  • XX食品節:來自某些國家的特殊產品,包括食物零食啤酒飲料醬料等等。例如: 德國節西班牙節希臘節蘇格蘭節亞洲節東歐節等等

會員:Lidl Plus

  • 買滿 £100,送 £2 coupon

  • 買滿 £200,送 £10 coupon

  • 優惠券(減x%)

  • 手機app


Lidl is a German supermarket and is very similar to Aldi with great prices and tends to be much cheaper than all the other supermarket.

Personal Opinions:

Lidl’s bakery is amazing – definitely recommend trying their croissants (only 37p)!

Special Offers:

  • ‘Pick of the Week’: every week certain products would be extremely discounted

  • ‘When is gone, is gone’: range of products (own brand or big brands) only has limited stocks.

  • XX Food Festival: Special products including food, snacks, beers, beverages, sauces etc from certain countries. For example, German, Spanish, Greek, Scottish, Asian, Eastern European, etc.

Membership: Lidl Plus

  • Spend £100 in store gets £2 coupon

  • Spend £200 in store gets £10 coupon

  • Coupons with discounts (x% off)

  • Mobile App

No home delivery services at the moment


Founded: 1970

Headquarters: Deeside, Wales

Number of stores: 1000+ (2020)

Iceland 重於賣急凍食品和急凍即食食品 (frozen ready meals),新鮮食品 (新鮮水果蔬菜肉和牛奶粟米片雞蛋和麵包)家居用品(例如廁紙清潔產品洗衣粉)和零食(例如 朱古力薯片)。

Iceland 既有各大品牌,也有自家品牌的產品。自家品牌的產品是不含棕櫚油,品質優良。 Iceland 的市場定位在大眾化價格水平還時常提供各種優惠。

會員:Bonus Card

  • 增值 £20可免費獲得 £1

  • 獨家會員優惠


  • 送貨上門

  • 免費提供第二天送貨服務: £35或以上

Iceland has an emphasise on the sales of frozen food, frozen ready meals, groceries (e.g. fresh vegetables, meats and milk, salt, sugar, cornflakes, eggs and bread), household products (e.g. tissue, cleaning products, laundry powder) and snacks (e.g. chocolate, sweets, crisps). Iceland have both big brands and their own brand products.

Their own brand products are palm oil free and quality is good. Iceland sets its market in the discounted range and often have good deals on.

Membership: Bonus Card

  • Add £20 onto the bonus card get £1 free to spend

  • Exclusive member deals

Online services:

  • Home delivery

  • Free next day delivery: minimum £35


Exclusive Supermarkets

Whole Foods Market

Founded: 1980 Texas, USA

Headquarters: Austin, Texas, USA

Number of stores in UK: 7

Whole Foods Market 是一間美國跨國連鎖超市,提供高級食品和商品。 它於2017年被亞馬遜 (Amazon) 收購。在英國共有7間商店,所有商店都在倫敦(Kensington, Clapham Junction, Fulham, Camden, Piccadilly Circus, Richmond and Stoke Newington)。

Whole Foods 有一個獨特的賣點,專攻優質的有機和健康產品,但是當然所有產品都很貴。即使是在其他超市找到的相同品牌,價格也較貴。

通常它們的商店擺設非常整齊,提供各種新鮮有機產品,從水果蔬菜和肉類等到純素食無麩質和無乳製品。它們還通過 Amazon Fresh 為客戶提供送貨服務。


  • 送貨上門

Whole Foods Market is an American multinational chain supermarket, which offers luxury foods and goods. It was acquired by Amazon in 2017. There are a total of 7 stores in the UK, and all stores are in London (Kensington, Clapham Junction, Fulham, Camden, Piccadilly Circus, Richmond and Stoke Newington ).

Whole Foods has a unique selling point that specialises in premium organic and healthy products, but of course everything are expensive. Even the same branded products, where you can find in other major supermarkets, are more expensive.

Their stores are usually very tidy with a good range of fresh organic products from fruits, vegetables and meats, to vegan, gluten and dairy free products. They also provide home delivery services for customers through Amazon Fresh.

Online services:

  • Home delivery


Founded: 1824

Location: Knightsbridge, London

Harrdos 是英國著名高級百貨公司,位於倫敦的武士橋 (Knightsbridge)。 Harrods Food Hall 可以購買各式各樣的産品,包括獨家品牌和自家品牌產品。Harrods市場定位在高價格位置。在Harrods可以買到一些在普通超市中很少見的產品。


Harrdos is a well-known UK luxury department store based in Knightsbridge in London. Harrods food hall have both exlusive and own brand products available to purchase. Some products are not often seen in common supermarkets would be available in Harrods. The price is set at the higher end.

Ordering food online is also avaliable, especailly during COVID time.

Harrods Food Emproium including:

Harrods 大食代美食廣場包括:

1) Harrods Food Halls 食堂

2) Harrods Fresh Market 新鮮市場:

  • Fruit and Juice 水果和果汁部

  • Vegetables 蔬菜檔

  • Meat 肉檔

  • Fish and Seafood 魚和海鮮檔

  • Food to go 三文治外賣

  • The Rotisserie (fresh roasted chicken) 燒雞部

  • Eggs and Dairy 雞蛋和奶製品部

  • Cheese and Charcuterie 芝士和涷熟肉部

3) Roastery and Bake Hall


  • Bakery 麵包部

  • Patisserie 糕點部

  • Tea 茶部

  • Tea Tailor 配茶部

  • Celebration Cakes 蛋糕部

  • Coffee and Roastery 烘焙咖啡部

  • The Coffee Bar 咖啡吧

  • Pantry 醬料部

4) Fine Wine and Spirits 酒

5) Dining Hall 餐廳食堂

6) Confectionary and Chocolate 糖果和朱古力


Founded: 1983 Seattle, USA

Headquarters: Issaquah, Washington, USA

Number of stores in UK: 29

Costco 是一間受歡迎的美國批發品牌,因為它們以最低的價格為會員提供優質的品牌產品。最初,它僅向小型企業提供服務,後來也向非企業個人成員提供會員資格。Costco於1993年在英國開設了第一間商店,除北愛爾蘭外,目前在英國各地有29間Costco

所有Costco商店都需要收取會員年費,才能進入和使用其服務,例如 油站。


會員費 (2020年11月)




  • 熱狗和飲料 (免費添飲):£1.50

  • 披薩片:£1.85


Costco is a popular U.S. wholesale brand, as they provide members with high-quality branded products at the lowest price. At first, it only provided services to small businesses, and later also provide memberships to non-corporate individual members.

Costco opened their first UK store in 1993, and there are currently 29 Costco around the UK, except Northern Ireland. All Costco stores require an annual membership fee in order to enter and uses their petrol stations.

Costco has its own brand called “Kirkland” and generally is cheaper than other branded products. Some prices do not always include VAT, so watch out! Most items must be bought in bulk, so it is beneficial to large families or business owners.

Membership fees (November 2020)

All membership cards will have a photo for identification: you can bring two guests with you on each shopping trip.

Food Court (similar to Ikea food court)

For example:

  • Hot dog with free refillable drink: £1.50

  • Pizza slice: £1.85

  • Jacket potato with a choice of fillings: £1.50

Petrol Station: Some stores have petrol station with lower prices to other supermarket petrol stations (only accept card payment).


Online Supermarkets


Founded: 2000 Headquarters: Hatfield, England

Ocado 是一間英國的網上雜貨超市,沒有實體店。10年來,Ocado 與 Waitrose 結為夥伴,但Marks & Spencer 最近購買了 Ocado 50%股份,因此,到2020年9月,所有在 Ocado 賣的 Waitrose 產品都將被 M&S 產品取代。

目前,Ocado 是唯一一間使用機器人來執貨和包裝的網上超市。它提供多種品牌的產品,從新鮮肉和魚到洗髮水等等。Ocado 還擁有自家品牌,種類繁多從家用必需品到有機水果和蔬菜。

目前 Ocado 的送貨地區覆蓋英格蘭威爾士和北愛爾蘭的大部分地區,但蘇格蘭除外。

  • Ocado 將你的購物清單與 Tesco 進行比較,如果你 Ocado 購物籃的價格不低於 Tesco,那麼Ocado會自動向你發送優惠券,以支付差價商品。


  • 送貨上門(最低訂單:£40)

  • 送貨費用:£2.99-£6.99 或 某些訂單滿75英鎊可免費送貨

  • 次日送貨

Ocado is a British online grocery supermarket with no physical branch. For 10 years, Ocado has been partnered with Waitrose, but Marks & Spencer recently bought a 50% share of Ocado. Therefore, as of Sept 2020, all Waitrose products sold on Ocado are replaced by M&S products.

Ocado is the only online grocer uses robots to pick and pack people’s shopping. It delivers a large variety of products from various brands, from fresh meat and fish to shampoo. Ocado has its own-label range of products from household necessity to organic fruit and veg.

The current Ocado’s delivery area covers most of England, Wales and Northern Ireland, except Scotland.

  • Ocado compare your shopping against Tesco, if your basket doesn’t costs the same or less, then Ocado will automatically send you a voucher for more than the difference.

Online services:

  • Home delivery (Minimum order: £40)

  • Cost of delivery: £2.99-£6.99 or free with spend over £75 for certain orders)

  • Next-day delivery

  • App

Amazon Fresh

Founded: 2007

Headquarters: Seattle, Washington

Amazon Fresh 是一間網上送貨超市,僅適用於 Amazon Prime 會員。它與 Whole FoodsMorrisons當地商店和市場以及其他品牌合作,提供多種產品。Amazon 也有自家品牌產品。Amazon Fresh 最近於 2021 年在倫敦各地推出實體店,目前在英國擁有約 18 家商店。

與其他超市相比(除了 Aldi 和 Lidl),Amazon fresh 是最便宜。目前僅在倫敦和英國東南部提供送貨服務。

Amazon Prime 會員

  • 30天 免費試用

  • 每月£7.99(隨時取消)


  • 無限的優質送貨服務

  • Amazon fresh

  • 下載電影和電視劇,包括 Amazon Originals

  • Prime Reading:電子書,雜誌,漫畫等


  • 倫敦和英格蘭東南部

  • 送貨上門(最低訂單:£15)

  • 送貨費用:£3.99-6.99 或 消費滿 £40 可免費送貨

  • 即日送貨和次日送貨

Amazon Fresh is an online grocery delivery service available to Amazon Prime members. It has partnered with Whole Foods, Morrisons, and local shops and markets, as well as other brands to supply a diverse selection of products. Amazon came out cheapest when compared to other supermarkets, exclude Aldi and Lidl. Its delivery service is currently only available in London and the South East of UK. Amazon Fresh recently introducing their physical stores around the London in 2021 and now has around 18 stores in the UK.

Amazon Prime Membership

  • 30-days free trial

  • £7.99 per month (cancel anytime)

Prime members benefits:

  • Unlimited premium delivery

  • Amazon Fresh

  • Stream or download movies and TV series including Amazon Originals

  • Prime Reading: eBooks, magazines, comics etc

Delivery services:

  • London and South East of England

  • Home delivery (Minimum order: £15)

  • Cost of delivery: £3.99-6.99 or free with spend over £40

  • Same-day delivery and next-day delivery

Abel and Cole

Founded: 1988

Headquarters: Wimbledon, London

Abel and Cole 是一間英國的網上送貨超市,專門提供當地農場和麵包的有機新鮮食品,並使用可循環再用的紙皮箱送貨到你家門口。它還提供家用必需品以及一些品牌產品。它們的有機產品比其他超市的有機食品約便宜20%


  • 在你購買第一個和第四個食品箱可享受50%的折扣


  1. 有機蔬菜箱(£10-15 有 10-15個產品)

  2. 有機肉(大約 £30)

  3. 有機水果(£10)


  1. 選擇你的食品箱

  2. 選定包裝箱後,你可以選擇不想收到的某些產品

  3. 添加你的必需品

  4. 送貨到你家門口


  • 全國

  • 送貨上門(最低訂單:£12)

  • 送貨費用:£1.50 或 消費滿80英鎊可免費送貨

Abel and Cole is an online grocery delivery service that specialise in organic fresh foods from local farmers, makers and bakers, and delivering them in reusable cardboard boxes. It also provides household staples as well as some branded products. Their organic products are around 20% cheaper than other supermarkets’ organic foods.

Special Offers:

  • Enjoy 50% off on your 1st and 4th box

The 3 common types of organic food boxes:

  1. Organic vegetable delivery (£10-15 for 10-15 items)

  2. Organic meat delivery (around £30)

  3. Organic fruit delivery (£10)

How it works?

  1. Choose your weekly box

  2. After you have chosen your box, you are allowed to choose certain products that you don’t want to receive.

  3. Add your essentials

  4. Deliver to your doorstep

Delivery services:

  • Nationwide

  • Home delivery (Minimum order: £12)

  • Cost of delivery: £1.50 or free with spend over £80


Corner Shops (Convenience Stores)

在英國,我們都稱便利店 (convenience stores) 為 corner shops,因為這些便利店通常位於大街 (high street)上或轉角位。Corner shops 也會通常在火車站和巴士站旁邊,機場裹面和在油站裹面。

有一些 corner shops 是自家家庭式營運 ,也有一些是連鎖或專營權便利店。請注意,並非所有的 corner shops 都是24小時營業。

In the UK, we call convenience stores as corner shops as this type of shop normally located on the high street or ‘just round the corner’ within the neighbourhood. Corner shops are also commonly seen next to train and bus stations, inside airports and in petrol stations.

There are some corner shops which are run independently by families and some are chain or franchised shops. Please keep in mine that not all corner shops runs 24 hours.

除了超級市場,英國各地還有許多農夫市集。我們將在未來的文章中介紹英國的農夫市集。請耐心等待 :)

Apart from supermarkets, there are also many farmers’ markets all around the UK. We will introduce farmers’ markets in our future post. Please wait patiently :)


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