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開設英國銀行戶口 Open a UK Bank Account

英國有許多不同類型的銀行戶口。 我們將討論幾種常見的銀行戶口,和分享一些開設英國戶口的真實例子。

There are many different types of bank accounts in the UK. We will be discussing a few common types of bank accounts and sharing some real life examples of how to open a UK bank account.

更多詳細資料關於英國不同的銀行,請瀏覽我們的網頁 "英國銀行"。

Please visit our webpage "UK banks" for more details about different types of banks. 


General documents needed for opening a bank account

1) Proof of Identity 身份證明

  • Passport 護照

  • Driving Licence 駕駛執照

  • National ID card 身份證

2) Proof of address 住址證明

  • Utility Bill 水電媒單

  • Phone Bill 電話單

  • Council Tax Bill 差餉 (區/市政府稅單)

  • Rent Agreement 租約合同

  • Mortgage Statement 按揭單

  • Bank Statement 銀行月結單

3) Proof of income 入息證明

  • Bank Statement 銀行月結單

  • Pay slips 糧單

  • P60 (statement of issued to UK taxpayer at the end of the tax year 稅局會在財政年度未發給英國納稅人的文件)

  • Letter from a recognised employer 認可雇主的聘書

  • Tax returns (for self-employed) 納稅申報單(自僱人士)

Types of accounts 不同類型的戶口:

1) 基本戶口

Basic Current Accounts




  • 沒有透支

  • 沒有支票簿

  • 有 Contactless ( Santander)

  • 沒有儲蓄利息 等等



  • 擁有一張 Debit 銀行咭

  • 在ATM 提取現金

  • 網上電話和 Apps 理財

Most banks will offer basic accounts which are designed for those who doesn’t have a bank account in the UK, don’t qualify for a standard classic current account or experiencing financial difficulty.

A basic account has the same facilities as a classic current account but fewer amenities.

For example,

  • No overdraft

  • No cheque book

  • No contactless (Santander)

  • No saving interest etc.

Each bank have different policies so please check with each bank.

What is included?

  • Debit card

  • Withdraw cash from ATM

  • Online, telephone and app banking

Examples 列子:





Bank of Scotland:




2) 傳統往來戶口

Classic Current Account


This is the most common type of account in the UK.


What is included?

  • Have a debit card

  • Withdraw cash from ATM

  • Cheque book

  • Overdraft service

  • Saving interest

  • 擁有一張 Debit 銀行咭 (等於香港EPS)

  • 在ATM 提取現金

  • 支票簿

  • 透支服務

  • 儲蓄利息

Examples 列子:


Club Lloyds

  • No fee (if pay in £1500 each month) or £3/month

  • A reward each year: cinema tickets, rental movie rental, gourmet society membership or annual magazine subscription

  • 冇手續費 (每月有£1500入戶口) 或每月£3

  • 每年可以選擇一個優惠: 電影飛、租借電影、食物/餐廳咭、一年雜誌免費訂閱






3) 儲蓄戶口

Saving Account

  • Different banks have different interest rates

  • 不同的銀行有不同的儲蓄利息

Examples 列子:





4) 兒童/青少年戶口

Children/ Youth Account

  • Age 7-17

  • Different banks will offer a child or youth account at different age

  • 七至十七歲

  • 不同的銀行會提供不同年齡的兒童或青少年戶口

Examples 列子:






5) 學生戶口

Student Account

  • For University students and apprentices

  • Have overdraft limits (0% interest)

  • Some banks offer a credit card

  • Some banks give some perks (e.g. railcard, Amazon voucher, coach card etc)

  • 給大學生和學徒課程學生

  • 有透支額度(0% 利息)

  • 有些銀行會出一張信用卡

  • 有些銀行會送一些優惠 (例如 火車咭、 Amazon 禮卷、 旅遊巴士咭 等等)

6) Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs)

免稅收入戶口 (2020年4月 - 2021年三月) 最高可儲達 £20,000 (免稅)

Income from tax-exempt accounts

Maximum £20,000 saving for each tax year

  • Ask your own bank and create an ISA account

  • There are 4 types of ISA accounts

  • 可以去問你自己的銀行去開一個 ISA 戶口

  • 共有4種ISA 戶口類型

  1. Cash ISAs

  2. Stocks and shares ISAs

  3. Innovative finance ISAs

  4. Lifetime ISAs

你可以開多個 ISAs 戶口,但總額存款不可以超過二萬英磅

You can open multiple ISAs accounts, only if the total deposit does not exceed £20,000

Examples 列子:

7) 國際戶口

International bank accounts

國際銀行戶口會要求你保持一定數量的存款或投資。如果你無法維持一定的資金量,銀行會將向你收取月費。一些銀行可能允許你在國外 (例如香港) 開設此類戶口。


*請查看我們的 '英國國際銀行戶口' 的詳細信息。

International bank accounts will require you to keep a high minimum balance of saving or investment. If you are unable to sustain a curtain amount of money, you will be charged a monthly fee. Some banks may allow you to open this type of account aboard e.g. Hong Kong.

The purpose and nature of international bank accounts in the UK are different to Hong Kong.

*Please read our 'The UK Internation Bank Accounts' for more details.

Examples 列子:



年薪收入至少 £50,000 或 存款/投資最低 £25,000

No monthly fees if

Annual income of at least £50,000 or save/invest at least £25,000


  • Monthly fee 月費: £7.50

  • Annual income of at least £50,000 or save/invest at least £25,000

  • 年薪收入至少 £50,000 或 存款/投資最低 £25,000

  • Premier International Accounts

  • 沒有月費,但需要存款/投資最低 £100,000 或 年薪收入至少 £100,000

  • No monthly fees if save/invest at least £100,000 or annual income at least £100,000

International Saving Accounts




  • Monthly fee 月費: £7.50

  • Annual income of at least £50,000 or save/invest at least £25,000

  • 年薪收入至少 £50,000 或 儲蓄/投資最低 £25,000

Bank of Scotland:

8) 聯名戶口

Joint Accounts

Examples 列子:






Bank of Scotland:


9) Packaged Bank Accounts




Some current accounts come with extra benefits, for example provide travel, mobile and car breakdown insurance but will require customers to pay a monthly fee.

Monthly fee: £13- £31

Each bank has different fees and benefits, so please check with each bank.

Examples 列子:


£13 per month: family travel, family mobile phone, and UK & EU breakdown insurance

Co-operative bank:

£15 per month: family travel, breakdown and mobile insurance




Royal Bank of Scotland:

Barclays: (currently unavailable due to pandemic)

10) Premier Bank Accounts

Premier戶口的目標客戶是高收入年薪 £75,000 以上或有大量資金可以儲蓄/投資的人。


擁有 Premier 戶口的客戶將享受優惠:

  • 免費使用機場貴賓室

  • 免費機票

  • 旅行保險

  • 低按揭利率


Premier accounts are aimed for people who has high earning £75,000+ or has a large sum of money to save/invest.

Monthly fee: £0

Customers with premier accounts will have benefits such as:

  • Free airport lounge access

  • Free flight tickets

  • Travel insurance

  • Special mortgage rates etc.

Each bank has different benefits, so please check with each bank.

Examples 列子:

Citibank UK:



Royal Bank of Scotland:




Opening UK Virtual Bank Account

列子 Example: Monzo

  • Download the mobile app

  • Follow the instructions to apply

  • Record a face and voice video

  • 下載手機app

  • 按著指示進行申請

  • 錄製視頻 (面部和語音)


在香港開設英國戶口 (離岸戶口 / 海外戶口)

Opening UK bank account in Hong Kong

Examples 列子:

  • Barclays International Account 國際銀行戶口

Annual income of at least £50,000 or save/invest minimum £25,000

年薪收入至少 £50,000 或 儲蓄/投資最低 £25,000

  • Lloyds International Account 國際銀行戶口

Annual income of at least £50,000 or save/invest minimum £25,000

年薪收入至少 £50,000 或 儲蓄/投資最低 £25,000

  • Citibank UK 花旗銀行


Invest minimum 投資最低 £150,000

  • 東亞銀行 BEA (Bank of East Asia)


電話: (852) 3608 0218 / (852) 3608 0202

Want to open a UK bank account in Hong Kong, please contact the Overseas Branch Operations & Development Department in Hong Kong

Tel: (852) 3608 0218 / (852) 3608 0202

  • HSBC 匯豐銀行


Assisted overseas HSBC Account opening

  • HSBC Premier & HSBC Jade: Free administration fee

  • 匯豐卓越理財& 匯豐尚玉 客戶: 免手續費

  • HSBC One: $800 HKD administration fee

  • 匯豐 One: $800 港元手續費

  • Personal Customer & Personal Integrated Account: $1600 HKD administration fee

  • 個人客戶 & 個人綜合理財戶口: $1600 港元 手續費

You can open using online banking 可以網上申請 :

2020年11月1日 收費生效

1 November 2020 Effective Charges



Real Life Applicants Examples

能否成功開設銀行戶口是完全取決於申請人。 請僅以這些例子作為參考,不作任何保證。

It all depends on the applicant to successfully opening a bank account. Please only use these as examples with no guarantee.

A) 利用香港卓越理財戶口親身在英國開設英國匯豐銀行戶口

Opening HSBC UK Account in person in UK using a HK HSBC Premier Account

Step 1) 請先打到服務中心預約開設戶口。

Called UK service centre to set up an appointment to open an account in person.

Step 2) 然後帶齊了以下的文件

Prepared the following documents :

  • a. BNO 護照

  • b. 香港和/或英國住址證明 (水電煤單,地租單,管理費單,差餉 (區/市政府稅單))

  • c. 稅務記錄

  • d. 入息證明

  • e. 雇傭證明

  • a. BNO passport

  • b. Hong Kong and/or UK residence proof (utilities bills, ground rent bill, management fee bill, council tax)

  • c. Tax bill

  • d. Income proof

  • e. Employment letter

Step 3) 銀行問開戶口的原因?

The bank asked why one needs to open an account?

Reasons were 原因:

  • 交子女讀書學費

  • UK 買樓 (移居或己定居在英國)

  • Paying child’s tuition fee

  • Purchasing property when moving to UK or have already moved to

Step 4) 成功開設了戶口。

Bank account successfully opened.

B) 在英國開設巴克萊銀行學生戶口 (COVID-19時間)

Opening a Barclays Student Account in UK (during COVID-19 time)

Step 1) 下載巴克萊銀行手機app

Download Barclays mobile app

Step 2) 跟著指示在app裏申請 ‘Student Additions Account學生戶口’

Apply for the ‘Student Additions Account’ in the app by following the instructions.


  • a) 至少年滿18歲,並接受全日制高等教育 (大學) 或高等學徒課程(4級以上)

  • b) 擁有英國手機號碼和英國住址證明

  • c) 顯示帶有照片的證件: 例如 護照,駕駛執照或BRP居留證


  • a) Be at least 18 and in full time higher education or a higher apprentice (level 4+)

  • b) Have a UK mobile number and a UK residential address

  • c) Show photo ID: e.g. passport, driving licence or biometric residence permit (BRP)

Step 3) 由於COVID-19的關係,申請人等待了1.5個月,才收到巴克萊銀行發出申請戶口的鏈結。

Due to COVID-19, the applicant waited for 1.5 months before Barclays sent the actual link to apply for the account.

Step 4) 收到鏈結並填寫申請表

Received the link and filled in the application

Step 5) 第二天直接去分行,等待銀行員工檢查的文件:BNO護照和大學證明

Went to the branch next day and get documents checked by staff: BNO passport and University Letter

Step 6) 在檢查文件後,成功開設了戶口。

Account opened on the day after documents were checked.

*During normal time, opening an account would be much quicker (within 1-2 weeks)


C) 在英國開設 Lloyds 基本銀行戶口 (沒有英國住址證明)

Opening a Lloyds Basic Account in the UK without proof of UK address

申請人使用BNO護照在英國網上申請。由於申請人現時正在酒店住宿,並且無法提供英國住址證明,因此Lloyds 銀行仍接受該申請並提供了Basic基本戶口。

請查看以上有關基本戶口( Basic Account )和傳統往來戶口( Classic Current Account )之間的區別和詳細信息。


The applicant applied online in the UK using BNO passport. Since the applicant is currently staying at a hotel and cannot give proof of a UK residential address, Lloyds bank still accepted the application and gave a Basic account.

Please see the above details about the difference between basic and a classic current account.

Applicant can switch from a basic to a classic current account once have a proper prove of UK residential address.


Please only use these as examples with no guarantee.


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