由9月24號開始NHS COVID-19 app在英格蘭和威爾斯啟用了! (蘇格蘭和北愛爾蘭已經開始了一段時間) 如果你曾經接觸過確診人士,這個 app (應用程式) 會自動通知你!因為這個 app可以偵測到你近距離接觸過 (2米或以下)確診人士15分鐘或以上。(列如: 同一時間在同一間餐廳或地方逗留過)。
這個app奕會顯示你當地 (Local Area) 的肺炎確診情況(用高中低風險等級來分別)。
當你去餐廳用膳時,你可以用這個app去掃描餐廳的QR code! 唔需要填寫任何資料就做了登記你曾經到過這裏用膳 ,非常放便又直接! (用作為Track and Trace)。
You can start using the NHS COVID-19 app from 24/09/2020 in England and Wales. (Scotland and Northern Ireland started earlier).
The app will alert you if you have been in touched with people who are tested positive with the coronavirus. The app can detect people who are close to you (also using the app) within 2m or less for 15 minutes or more. (e.g. In the same restaurant or venue at the same time).
If you received a message from the app, you can order the test kit and start quarantine for 14 days immediately!
The app will also show the risk level of your local area. (From high to medium to low).
Scan the QR code using the app when you are at restaurants to register your presence for test and trace! This is convenient as you will not need to fill in any information.