多謝參與我們 5月15日的網上研討會
Thank you for attending our webinar on 15th May
Here is the summary of our webinar:
網上研討會: 心理健康 & 英國入籍試Q&A
Webinar: Mental Health & Life in the UK test Q&A
Main Topics
How to tackle loneliness?
Topics and questions on life in the UK test

Samaritans - UK
Call 116 123 (any day and time, free call)
Email: jo@samaritans.org
Mind - UK
Monday - Friday 9am - 6pm
Call: 0300 123 3393
Rethink Mental Illness
Together UK
The Grand - Gravesend
Hope - Dartford
Dartford Healthy Living
NHS Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

Example questions can be found online e.g. YouTube and websites below.

Practice Tests and Study Materials

Feedback 活動後問卷調查:
Further details on the life in the UK test can be found in our previous webinar