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2022 年4月份 (免費)活動 April 2022 free Events

Tunbridge Wells Easter Event 復活節同樂日活動

****名額已滿 All fully booked****
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🥚🐇 Let's celebrate Easter together at Tunbridge Wells!

一齊喺 Tunbridge Wells 慶祝復活節!

日期:星期六 4月16日 時間:13:00 - 15:00 (英國時間)

Date: Saturday, 16th April, 2022 Time: 13:00 - 15:00 (BST)

免費活動 ! 請自行安排交通前往活動場地。希望這次活動可以讓香港朋友認識當地復活節氣氛以及結交新朋友。名額有限,先到先得。

Free activities! Please make your own transport arrangement to the venue. Limited places, first come first served basis.

透過此連結報名: Sign up here:

HKBrits 英國新家鄉 與 Citizen Advice North and West Kent (CANWK) 合作。由英國政府部門 Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities 贊助。

HKBrits working in partnership with Citizen Advice North and West Kent. Sponsored by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities.

如有任何問題,可以直接聯絡我們: Any queries, please contact us via:


移民法律資訊: BNO 簽證問答

Immigration Advice sessions: BNO Visa Q&A

Hkbrits 英國新家鄉跟位於肯特郡(Kent)的Citizen Advice North and West Kent (CANWK) 一齊合作。 CANWK 是肯特郡其中一個的Citizen Advice Bureau (公民咨詢局),並提供一些免費的資訊和服務。例如,移民簽證問題、工作讀書、財政、醫療、住宿 ,工作權和福利權上的問題等等。

Hkbrits is collaborating with Citizen Advice North and West Kent (CANWK) who is one of the Citizen Advice Bureau based in Kent.

Citizen Advice Bureau provides free information and help for local residents within including advices on immigration, housing, finance, education, right to work and right to benefits etc.

29th April 2022 - Click on this date to access the session 請點擊日期進入會議

12pm - 1pm BST (British Summer Time) 英國時間

7pm - 8pm Hong Kong Time 香港時間

Sign up or any questions you would like to ask the immigration adviser, please email: 想報名或有問題問移民顧問請聯絡我們:


Trip to Hever Castle, Kent 肯特郡赫弗城堡之旅


快啲嚟了解英國的歷史! 赫弗(Hever) 城堡是亨利八世 (Henry VIII) 第二任妻子安妮·博林(Anne Boleyn)長大的家。我們可以同時慶祝復活節並參加城堡安全排的活動。 Come and learn the history of Britain! Hever Castle is the childhood home of Anne Boleyn, the second wife of Henry VIII. It's also time to celebrate Easter and participate the fun activities at the castle. 星期六 2022年4月2日 英國時間早上11點 Saturday 2nd April 2022 11.00am (GMT) 名額45位 Limits to 45 people 進入赫弗城堡和花園的門票是免費的。 請自行安排交通前往城堡。 Tickets to enter Hever Castle and Garden is free. Please make your own transport arrangement to the castle. Terms and Condition 條款: 如果您確認後但無法出席,您必須一星期前通知。 否則將影響您參加未來其他活動的資格。 If you registered and are no longer unable to attend, you must notify one week in advance. Fail to do so will affect your eligibility to attend future events. 如有任何問題, 可以直接聯絡我們: Any queries, please contact us via: HKBrits英國新家鄉 與 Citizen Advice North and West Kent (CANWK) 合作 由英國政府部門 Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities 贊助 HKBrits working in partnership with Citizen Advice North and West Kent Sponsored by Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities

Sign up here:


May Events 五月活動


Details will be published in due course


Important Update: Winding Down Our Platform


It has been almost five years since we started HKBrits with the mission of helping those moving to the UK settle into their new lives. Over the years, we have had the privilege of supporting countless individuals and families on their journey. Now, as many have successfully settled, and with numerous other organisations offering similar support, we believe the time has come to step back and direct you to the local resources that can best assist you moving forward.

For future support and inquiries, we encourage you to reach out to local authorities and official organisations that specialise in providing assistance:

Email for inquiries:,

Additional resources:

South East Strategic Partnership for Migration

Citizen Advice North West Kent

We deeply appreciate everyone who has been part of this journey. Thank you for your support, engagement, and contributions in making this community thrive.


HKBrits 自成立以來已經接近五年,我們的使命一直是幫助移居英國的港人適應新生活。過去數年,我們有幸陪伴無數個人和家庭,為他們提供支援。如今,大部分人已經成功安頓下來,而且有許多其他機構提供類似的幫助,因此,我們認為現在是時候功成身退,並將大家轉介到當地的資源,以獲得更進一步的支援。



Additional resources:

South East Strategic Partnership for Migration

Citizen Advice North West Kent

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