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行山勝地: 薩里郡 Hiking: Box Hill, Surrey

Box Hill 位於英格蘭東南部的薩里郡 (Surrey) 是一個受歡迎的行山勝地。Box Hill 是屬於薩里郡的綠化地帶 (Surrey Green Belt) ,所以受到保護不可以興建任何房屋。

對倫敦人來講 ,Box Hill是一個很受歡迎可以遠足一日的好地方。因為它是其中距離倫敦最近郊外地方之一。

開車:約30 分鐘至1小時 (取決於你在倫敦的位置)

乘搭火車:London Victoria至Box Hill & Westhumble 54-57分鐘

(成人£10.10 / £13.30,非繁忙時段來回車票08/2021)

London Waterloo至Box Hill & Westhumble 48 – 60分鐘


許多居住在薩里郡(Surrey)的人會定期去Box Hill遠足。 通常,駕車大約需要30分鐘,乘火車大約需要30-60分鐘(取決於你住在哪裡)。

Box Hill is a popular hiking area in the south east of England in Surrey. Box Hill is in the Surrey Green Belt which is protected from any houses being built in this area.

This is one of the top day hiking trails for Londoners, as it is one of the closest countryside to London.

By car: 30 minutes to 1 hour depends where you are in London

By train: London Victoria to Box Hill & Westhumble – 54 - 57 minutes

(£10.10 a £13.30 adult off-peak return 08/2021)

London Waterloo to Box Hill & Westhumble – 48 – 60 minutes

(£13.30 adult off-peak return 08/2021)

Many people living in Surrey also pay regular visits to Box Hill for hiking. It normally takes around 30 minutes by car and 30 – 60 minutes by train (depends where you are).

Website for Box Hill National Trust:

Different Trails 不同的行山路線

How to get to Box Hill 如何去Box Hill

Opening Times 開放時間

Box Hill & Westhumble Train Station 火車站

Box Hill Visitor Centre 遊客中心 Point 1

  • Toilets 廁所

  • Free tap water 食用水 (免費)

  • Rubbish bin 垃圾桶

  • Food Counter 小食亭

  • Ice cream van (summer) 雪糕車 (夏天)

Stepping Stone Trail踏石遠足徑

Between Point 3 – 4: there are 275 steps to walk up to top of Box Hill

在第3至第4點之間有257級 (天梯) 可以上去 Box Hill山頂

Between Point 4 – 5: Stepping Stones across the River Mole

Autumn Season Scene

Remember not to cross the river during high tides! The stepping stones have disappeared!

Stepping Stones Footbridge

Autumn/ Winter Season with the rain – the footbridge river area becomes very muddy!

Point 6: Burford Meadow Entry

Point 7 – 8: The Whites (The area is makes out of chalk)


Autumn View: Enjoy the scene of red, yellow, green and brown leaves

Top of Box Hill (Box Hill Viewpoint)

Box Hill山頂

Autumn Scenery: The famous Box Hill Viewpoint and route towards Broadwood’s Tower

Happy Valley Circular Walk

Broadwood’s Tower

Autumn Scenery: View looking back down from Broadwood’s Tower

Chestnuts Season! In the Surrey Hills area including Box Hill have many chestnuts available for hikers to pick. Watch out not to pick the poisonous conkers (horse chestnuts) which are rounder and bigger.


Important Update: Winding Down Our Platform


It has been almost five years since we started HKBrits with the mission of helping those moving to the UK settle into their new lives. Over the years, we have had the privilege of supporting countless individuals and families on their journey. Now, as many have successfully settled, and with numerous other organisations offering similar support, we believe the time has come to step back and direct you to the local resources that can best assist you moving forward.

For future support and inquiries, we encourage you to reach out to local authorities and official organisations that specialise in providing assistance:

Email for inquiries:,

Additional resources:

South East Strategic Partnership for Migration

Citizen Advice North West Kent

We deeply appreciate everyone who has been part of this journey. Thank you for your support, engagement, and contributions in making this community thrive.


HKBrits 自成立以來已經接近五年,我們的使命一直是幫助移居英國的港人適應新生活。過去數年,我們有幸陪伴無數個人和家庭,為他們提供支援。如今,大部分人已經成功安頓下來,而且有許多其他機構提供類似的幫助,因此,我們認為現在是時候功成身退,並將大家轉介到當地的資源,以獲得更進一步的支援。



Additional resources:

South East Strategic Partnership for Migration

Citizen Advice North West Kent

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