正如我們在“英國國際銀行戶口” 文章裏提及過,在香港銀行購買外幣是非常普遍。 但是,英國國際銀行戶口的運作和性質與香港的有所不同。 請參閱我們的文章,以了解不同之處!
As discussed in our ‘The UK International Bank Accounts’ post, it is very common to buy foreign currency with the bank in Hong Kong. However, the nature of an international bank account in the UK is different. Make sure to have a look at our post to understand the difference!
So where do the Brits exchange foreign currency in the UK when they need it? We will discuss the different ways that are commonly seen and done in the UK.
Different ways to exchange foreign currency:
銀行 Bank
郵局 Post Office
找換店 Foreign Exchange Bureau / Bureau de Change
虛擬銀行– 銀行咭 (等於香港EPS) Virtual Online Bank– Debit card
1. 銀行 Bank
你可能還會時常聽見外幣稱為 “旅行貨幣 Travel Money”,這是因為英國人都傾向於需要在旅行時才會兌換外幣多於用作來投資。但是在香港用作來投資是很常見的。
In Hong Kong, it is very common to buy foreign currency in your integrated bank account. However, this option is less popular in the UK because often it can be inconvenient. You cannot immediately collect your foreign currency that you have ordered.
You might also hear the foreign currency, as ‘travel money’ as the British tends to exchange foreign currency when they need to travel, rather than for investment, which is more commonly seen in Hong Kong.
Order foreign currency with a bank:
need to have an account with the bank to be able to purchase the foreign currency.
order foreign currency either online, by phone or in branch.
the earliest you can collect your money could be the next day either deliver to your home or collect at branch. Some banks may be within 3-4 working days.
there is also a minimum amount you need to order and some banks might charge an admin fee if you order less than a certain amount.
Please check with the bank for further details, as each bank will have a different policy.
Banks do try and keep a competitive exchange rate, but it does tends to be worse than foreign exchange bureaux or the post office. Some banks will charge a commission fee as well. There are also more types of foreign currencies available from foreign exchange bureaux than in the bank.
例子 Examples:
最低訂購量 Minimum order: £50
Can collect or delivered by next day that depend on when you order.
Can collect or delivered by next day that depend on when you order.
Can order via online, by phone or in branch.
Order between £100 - £2500
£5 charges apply if order below £500
低於 £500,則需要支付 £5 費用
Bank of Scotland蘇格蘭皇家銀行:
Tesco Bank Tesco銀行:
0% commission fee
Can collect at over 560 Tesco stores
Can order using the Tesco Mobile app
Offer price match locally if you buy in store
M&S Bank馬莎銀行:
Delivery within 3-4 working days.
2. 郵局 Post Office
Post Office Online Rate 郵局網上匯率 : https://www.postoffice.co.uk/foreign-currency
你會在郵局裏看到找換店 (法文: Bureau de Change) 和即時的外幣匯率。
你有時可能會發現英國郵局實際上是在便利店或在書店 (WHSmith) 裡。英國政府已在2015年出售了郵局 Royal Mail 剩餘的 30% 股份,郵局全面私有化正式開始。 為了減輕經營成本,多數的郵局都會給街角商店 (便利店) 或書局 (WHSmith) 負責出售郵票或/和外幣兌換。書局 (WHSmith)裏的郵局通常會是在市中心和購物商場裏見到。
This is one of the more common options for the British to exchange foreign currency when they need to travel abroad.
can either buy online or at the post office branch.
you will see bureau de change section at the post office branch with the current rate of the foreign currencies.
the online rate and branch rate can be different. The best rate tends to be online.
Sometimes you might find the post office is actually in a convenience store / corner shop or in bookstore (WH Smith). The UK government has sold the remaining 30% of the Royal Mail in 2015, and the post office’s full privatisation has officially begun. In order to reduce operating costs, corner shops (convenience stores) or WHSmith also acts as post office to sell stamps and/or foreign currencies. Post offices found in WH Smith are usually seen in town centres and shopping centres.

Post Office and Bureau de Change within WHSmith

Corner shop running as a post office

Post Office inside a corner shop
Sometimes it will be the shopkeeper doing the post officer job as well as running the shop!
3. 找換店 Foreign Exchange Bureau / Bureau de Change
這是另一個常見的選擇。在英國,找換店也有不同的類型。 有時,你會看到找換店的名子是用法文寫成 – Bureau de Change。
This is another common option and in the UK there are different types of foreign exchange bureaux. Sometimes you will see the name written in French as Bureau de Change.
連鎖店 Chain Stores
Examples 例子:
Moneycorp https://www.moneycorp.com/en-gb/
International Currency Exchange (ICE) https://www.iceplc.com/
No 1 Currency Exchange https://www.no1currency.com/
Locations 地點:
Town Centres 市中心
High Street 大街
Airports 機場
Shopping Centres 購物商場
每間找換店的匯率都是不相同,有些更會收取佣金。 最好在購買外幣之前向找換店查詢。
The currency rates vary between each bureau and some of them will charge a commission fee as well. It is best to check with the bureau before making a purchase.
The online rate tends to be better than in the actual shop (bureau)! You can order online and get the higher exchange rate and then collect it at the bureau.
Personal Experience 個人經驗:
在找換店裹,一位女職員告訴我們網上的匯率比較好。 這位女職員建議我們立即在網上訂購該外幣,因為她也可以即場給我們! 這並非時常會發生的,因此,如果你想獲得好的匯率,請提前計劃定。
Was in a Foreign Exchange Bureau and was told by the lady that online offers a better rate. The lady advised us to order the currency online immediately as she was also able to give the foreign currency in cash to us straight away! This does not always happen, so make sure you plan in advance if you want to get a good rate for your exchange.
百貨公司 Department Stores
馬莎找換店 (馬莎銀行)
M&S Bureau de Change (M&S Bank)
Exchange Rate 匯率: https://bank.marksandspencer.com/travel/travel-money/

找換店位於 M&S 馬莎百貨公司內
如果找換店內無法提供你想要的貨幣,則可以網上訂購並到馬莎店內提取 (Click and Collect)
大約有 108 間 M&S 馬莎店內有提供找換店服務
The bureau is located inside M&S
Stock over 40 currencies in the bureau
If the currency you want isn’t available in the bureau then you can order online and collect in store
Click and Collect on the same day is available if order before 4pm (available for euros and us dollars only)
Minimum Order: £250
Around 108 M&S stores have the bureau de change services in store
John Lewis Bureau de Change (John Lewis Finance)
John Lewis 找換店 (John Lewis 財務)
John Lewis 店內約有30種貨幣
到 Waitrose 內提取 (共330多間)
到 John Lewis 裹提取 (共34間)
Order online before 3pm, delivery the next day
Free weekday delivery: over £1000
Minimum value: £250
Around 61 available currencies online
Around 30 available currencies in store at John Lewis
Method to receive your money:
Home Delivery
Click & Collect at Waitrose (over 330 shops)
Pick up at John Lewis (34 stores)
超級市場 Supermarkets
Tesco Travel Money Bureau (Tesco Bank)
Tesco 找換店 (Tesco銀行)

可在 560 多間 Tesco 裹和 200 個服務台提取
皇家郵政 Royal Mail 送貨上門
可以使用 Tesco Mobile 應用程序訂購
如果您到 Tesco 找換店購買外幣,Tesco 會提供與當日匯率相符的價格 (price match)
0% commission fee
Can collect at over 560 Tesco stores and 200 service desk
Home Delivery by Royal Mail
Can order using the Tesco Mobile app
Offer price match locally if you buy in store
Offer price match service with other providers within 3 miles of the chosen Tesco Travel Bureau on the same day
Asda 找換店
Asda Travel Money Bureau

0% 佣金
網上訂購可以在 Asda 店裹提取
電話訂購:0800 188 4002 (免費電話)
0% commission fee
Exchange in Asda store (currently closed due to COVID)
Order online and collect it at Asda stores:
Minimum £500 or more
Next day home delivery for Euros and US dollars ordered before 2pm, Monday to Thursday
Place order on phone: 0800 188 4002 (free number)
Travel Agents 旅行社
Most travel agents will have a bureau de change inside their store, so you can exchange foreign currency.

4. Virtual Online Bank 虛擬銀行 – Debit card 銀行咭 (等於香港EPS)
This is becoming the most common ways for people in the UK to travel.
Mastercard 的匯率更好
Hassel-free of the need to go to order and collect or to the bureau de change to buy the foreign currency
Better exchange rate from Mastercard
No admin or transaction fee
Examples 例子:
Starling (for business)
請查看我們的 ‘英國銀行’ 文章,去了解更多 Monzo 和 Revolut 的資料。
Please see details of Monzo and Revolut bank details in our ‘UK Bank’ post.