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布里斯托通勤城鎮 Bristol Commuter Towns

布里斯托是英格蘭西南部最大的城市,估計人口為 463,400(資料來源:2020年9月人口普查數據),並且它是英國十一個“核心城市”之一。布里斯托有方便的公共交通前往威爾士倫敦和西南部。而且它擁有自己的機場,位於布里斯托市中心以南幾英里,可直達許多歐洲國家。

布里斯託有兩間世界一流的大學,布里斯託大學(University of Bristol) 和西英格蘭大學 (The University of West of England)。布里斯託大學在英國2021的排名表中(the complete university)排名第14位,而西英格蘭大學在英國排名第64位。

Bristol is the largest city in the South West of England with an estimated population of 463,400 (Source: Sept 2020 Census data) and also it is one of the eleven “Core Cities” in the UK. Bristol has great transport links for both South Wes, Wales and London. It has its own airport located just a few miles south of Bristol City Centre, with direct services to many EU countries.

There are two world class universities in Bristol, the University of Bristol and the University of the West of England. The University of Bristol is ranked 14th in the UK, while the University of West of England is ranked 64th in the UK (the complete university’s league table 2021).

Counties in the South West England


布里斯托樓價 Bristol House Prices

Average house price in Bristol



(Oct, 2020 - Rightmove)

Sale 買樓: can use the link below to consider 以下連結可作參考

Rental 租屋:

All prices were collected from rightmove (Oct 2020).


Commuter Towns


在外國,通勤城鎮是非常普遍因為外國地方好大。 在大城市工作的人,好多時都是住 在通勤城鎮。他們每日會乘搭公共交通工具入城市裡返工。

住在通勤城鎮比起住在城市裡 (例如:布里斯托)更加便宜,樓價低一節,環境更美好。 通勤城鎮主要是住宅區。

Commuter towns are populated primarily residential area. People living in commuter towns usually commute into the city for work by public transports.

Living in a commuter town tends to be cheaper than living in the city (e.g. Bristol). The house prices are lower with better living environment.

Some recommended commuter towns for Bristol

可以考慮的通勤城鎮 (布里斯托)

Somerset: Weston-Super-Mare, Worle, Bridgwater, Highbridge

South Wales: Cardiff, Newport

Gloucestershire: Yate, Gloucester

Wiltshire: Chippenham, Swindon


The average house price in these towns are cheaper than Bristol, with an average price of less than £300,000. The commute time by train to Bristol will be within an hour.

Ranked from cheapest average house price to highest average house price


All data were collected from Zoopla, rightmove, and thetrainline (Updated Oct 2020).


巴斯(Bath)古鎮也是一個不錯的選擇,有兩間世界一流的大學,巴斯大學 (University of Bath, 排名9th in UK) 和巴斯溫泉大學 (University of Bath Spa, 排名 93 in UK)。平均樓價為£466,439,比布里斯托還要貴。

The historical town of Bath is also a good choice to live in with two world-class universities, the University of Bath (Ranked 9th in UK) and University of Bath Spa (Ranked 93th in UK). The house prices is more expensive than Bristol with an average house price of £466,439.


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