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英國最大魚市場 Billingsgate Fish Market

September 2020

九月趁住不太冷,我們拜訪了 Billingsgate 魚市場。

We paid a visit to Billingsgate Fish Market while it's not too cold.

Billingsgate Market 是英國最大的魚市場,超過百年歷史。它位於倫敦金絲雀碼頭,有數百種海產可以批發或零售。大多數去魚市場的人都是少數民族和餐館老闆。

Billingsgate Market is the largest fish market in the UK, with a history of more than 100 years. It is located next to the London financial district, Canary Wharf, East of Central London.

Billingsgate 與日本築地魚市場相似,但規模較小。它們提供約140-150種魚類和貝類批發或零售,並設有98個攤檔和30間商店,其中包括兩間咖啡店。

大多數海鮮直接從英國沿海和海外運輸,並在清晨到達 Billingsgate。

Billingsgate 不僅適合批發,而且適合零售。通常以公斤或整盒出售,海鮮肯定比超市購買的便宜,而且更新鮮!有些攤檔可能會提供A級魚類 (可當魚生食用),你只需要知道如何分別這些A級魚。

在 Billingsgate 購買海鮮的人大多數是少數民族和餐館老闆。

Billingsgate is similar to Tsukiji Fish Market in Japan but in a much smaller scale. They provide around 140-150 varieties of fish and shellfish for wholesale and/or retail with 98 stands and 30 shops, including two cafes.

Most of the seafood are transported directly from the coasts of the UK and oversea, and arrives at Billingsgate in the early hours of the morning.

Billingsgate is not only for traders but also for individual buyers. It is ideal for wholesale, bulk buying, thus it is by Kilogram or box. It is certainly cheaper than store bought seafood and much fresher! Some stalls may provide sashimi grade fishes, you just need to know how and where to look.

Most people who shop at the Billingsgate are ethnic minorities and restaurant owners.

Opening Time:


星期二至六,清晨4點 至 早上8:30。


From 4am to 8:30am, Tuesday to Saturday.

(Be aware that after seven o'clock, most shops will be closed or closing)


There is often a long queue during the weekend, so wake up early!

付款:現金 Only!

Payment: Cash ONLY

幾年後,Billingsgate 將搬出倫敦,搬到 Essex。

In a couple of years, Billingsgate will be relocate further out of London, to Essex.

How to get to Billingsgate?

如何到 Billingsgate?

By tube


  • Jubliee Line: Canary Wharf (10-15 mins walk)

  • DLR: Poplar (5 mins walk) or Blackwall (5 mins walk)

By road


  • 用 Google Map 或 導航

  • Use Google Map or satnav

Billingsgate Market

Trafalgar Way

Poplar, London

E14 5ST

停車費:2小時 £2 (硬幣)

Parking Fee: £2 for two hours (coins)


我們以 £18 購買了3KG XXL蝦。這裏的海鮮比超級市場買的更新鮮和很便宜。休市前可以講價,原價為 £20 有 3kg,如果大批買可以再平。


We bought 3kg of XXL prawns for £18. It is fresher and cheaper than store bought. You can get a good bargain before the end of trading. The original price was £20 for 3kg. You could negotiate more if you buy larger quantities.

This market is planning to relocate in the next several years. You should definitely come and visit before moving!


Garlic Butter Prawns


Prawns in tomato sauce


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