Applications for overseas children:
“School aged children of BN(O) visa holders will have access to public education.”
Stated on the Hong Kong BNO Visa policy statement.
As long as you have a right of abode in England, you can apply for a state school place here. However, you can’t apply until you have an address in the country and are living here (except for Forces/diplomatic families and for those applying to state boarding schools).
只要你擁有英格蘭的居留權,就可以在這裡申請公立學校名額。 但是,除非你在英國有住所並居住在這裡,否則你無法申請(軍事部隊/外交家庭以及申請公立寄宿學校的人除外)。
Children from overseas, not yet in the UK:
Generally, an application for a school place will not be considered until a child is in the UK.
Exception: Those whose passport has been endorsed to show that they have the right of abode in the UK.
a) Starting primary school or transfer to secondary school
b) In-year admissions
例外:護照得到認可, 表明他們在英國具有居留權的人。
a) 上小學或轉中學
b) 年內入學 (插班生)
As the timetable for school applications starts nearly a year before admission, the Local Council may accept applications for children who are not currently in the UK, if they have a right of abode and if they have provided legitimate evidence that confirms:
They are planning a arrival to the UK in time for the start of the academic year; and
A residential link has been established in that County that would indicate the child will be living in that County when they are due to start school.
Evidences may include:
A written statement from the parent(s) of their intention to enter the UK, giving their reasons and an expected date
Sale/notice of rental of property abroad
Termination of a work contract abroad
Copy of work contract within the UK
Tenancy of property in that area
Confirmation of travel arrangement
Completion of purchase of property in the UK
Tenancy of property in the UK
父母需要書面聲明打算進入英國的, 並說明理由和預計日期。
Different councils have different application process
Use your postcode to search for your local Council:
Many schools give priority to children whom their home address is closest to the school.
Any application for a place must be considered according to each school’s admission arrangements, regardless of the child’s immigration status.
Before considering an application for a place, the local authority or the admission authority for the school will need to establish that the child is in the UK.
不論孩子的移民身份, 都必須根據每所學校的入學安排考慮任何入學申請。
Research your local state schools
All schools have website - look online to see which one you prefer and visit the school – most schools have open days.
Read the school’s most recent Ofsted reports (
Check school performance tables
Talk to other parents about what they think of the school
所有學校都有網站-在線查看你喜歡的學校並可參觀學校, 大多數學校都有開放日。
Starting school in September, 2023
A school year runs from Sept to the following July. You can find your child’s year group in the table below.
School Year 2023/24 | Age 年齡 | Date of birth 出生日期 |
Reception | 4 to 5 | Sept 2017 to Aug 2018 |
Year 1 | 5 to 6 | Sept 2016 to Aug 2017 |
Year 2 | 6 to 7 | Sept 2015 to Aug 2016 |
Year 3 | 7 to 8 | Sept 2014 to Aug 2015 |
Year 4 | 8 to 9 | Sept 2013 to Aug 2014 |
Year 5 | 9 to 10 | Sept 2012 to Aug 2013 |
Year 6 | 10 to 11 | Sept 2011 to Aug 2012 |
| ||
Year 7 | 11 to 12 | Sept 2010 to Aug 2011 |
Year 8 | 12 to 13 | Sept 2009 to Aug 2010 |
Year 9 | 13 to 14 | Sept 2008 to Aug 2009 |
Year 10 | 14 to 15 | Sept 2007 to Aug 2008 |
Year 11 | 15 to 16 | Sept 2006 to Aug 2007 |
| | |
Year 12 | 16 to 17 | Sept 2005 to Aug 2006 |
Year 13 | 17 to 18 | Sept 2004 to Aug 2005 |

How to apply?
Most receptions or nurseries are linked to primary school. You will still need to apply for a primary school place when moving from reception to Year 1. Same as secondary school.
You need to apply for a primary school place by using your council’s application form. For some schools, you can apply directly for a place with the school online.
For secondary school, apply for a place through the council.
You apply through your local council even if you’re applying for schools in another council area.
大多數 預備班 (receptions) 或 託兒所 (nurseries) 都與小學鏈接。然而從預備班升小一(Year 1)或從小學升中學,縱使為同一學校,家長仍需爲子女再次申請學位。
家長需要通過所屬市政府(council)申請學位。 一部分小學可以在學校網站直接申請學位。
即使跨區申請學校,家長亦要通過你所屬的市政府 (council) 轉交學位申請到心儀學校所屬的市政府(council)。
Primary school~ 小學:
Secondary school~ 中學:
Apply directly with the school for:
a 6th form place at a school or college (16-18yrs old) with your GCSE results
a place at private school
憑GCSE成績入讀 中學 Year 12 and Year 13(16-18歲)的名額
When to apply?
Applications open on different days in each local council area.
Usually, application opens at the start of the autumn term of the year before your child turn 4 yrs old for primary school.
Application opens at the start of the autumn term of Year 6 for secondary school.
Find out from your local council when applications open for primary or secondary schools.
It is important that you apply for a place as soon as possible!
Most grammar schools will need you to register for entrance test during the summer term of Year 5 (before the summer break). – please read our “State Grammar School” post
申請中學會在您的孩子在小六 (10-11歲) 的秋季學期開始申請。
一旦申請日期開始, 要盡快申請!
大多數文法(grammar)學校會要求你在小五(9-10歲) 的夏季學期(暑假之前)註冊入學考試。-請閱讀我們”文法公立中學”的文章.
Application Deadlines for a place in Sept 2021:
a Primary school place by 15th January 2021
a Secondary school place by 31st October 2020
Different deadline for a place in Grammar school for Sept 2021
Deadline by June 2020
小學 Year 1 - 2021年1月15日
中學 Year 7 - 2020年10月31日
文法學校會有不同截止日期, 如果你想2021年9月開學:
For example:
Primary school - If your child is now 3 and turning 4:
(The child is born between 1 Sept 2016 and 31 Aug 2017)
For admissions in Sept 2021, the parent(s) should apply once the local council has opened the application in autumn before the deadline in 15 Jan 2021.
Secondary school - If your child is turning 11yrs old between Sept 2020 and Aug 2021:
For admissions in Sept 2021, the parent(s) should apply once the local council has opened the application in autumn before the deadline in 31 Oct 2020.
If you missed the deadline, contact the council for in-year admission (we will talk about in-year admission later).
小學- 如果你的孩子現在3歲,並且即將滿4歲,則:
對於2021年9月的入學名額, 一旦市政府(council)報名日期在秋季開始, 父母必須在截止日2021年1月15日前報名
中學- 如果你的孩子在2020年9月至2021年8月之間正滿11歲,請執行以下操作:
對於2021年9月的入學名額, 一旦報名日期在秋季開始, 父母必須在截止日2020年10月31日前報名
如果家長錯過了截止日期,請與所屬的市政府 (council) 申請插班生的學位(我們將在稍後討論插班生入學)。
When will you find out if you have an offer?
primary schools on mid-April (around 16 April)
secondary schools on beginning of March (around 1 March)
小學在4月中 (16/04/2021左右)
中學在三月初 (01/03/2021左右)
Steps of application
1) You can apply for up to 4-6 schools, depending on the area.
“Try to apply as early as possible!”
You should include at least one where you are more or less sure of getting a place, even if it isn’t your first choice.
Put your school choices in order of preference
2) Complete the application form
3) Complete any supplementary forms
4) Applications are assessed
5) School offer: Tell you the outcome of your application on 16th April or 1st March
6) You accept or decline the place by deadline given in the offer letter. Otherwise it may be withdrawn and the place given to someone else.
7) If you don’t get a place at your preferred school, you can appeal. You can also add your child’s name to the waiting list for your preferred school.
1) 根據地區,您最多可以申請4-6所學校
2) 填寫申請表
3) 填寫任何補充表格
4) 學校/市政府 (council) 會評估申請人
5) 學校錄取通知:會在4月中(小學)或3月初(中學)告訴您申請結果
6) 您要在錄取通知書中的規定截止日期之前接受或拒絕該學位。 否則學位可被撤回或開放給其他申請人。
7) 如果得不到你的首選學校, 您可以提出上訴。您還可以將孩子的名字添加到首選學校的候補名單中。
Your application will be determined not on the merits of where you are from – in relation to country – but where you are living in relation to the distance from the schools of choice, children with siblings already in the school etc.
家長來自哪個國家並不會為申請加分,反而是取決於您所居住的地方與您首選學校的距離, 或已經有兄弟姐妹在學校中等的因素。
In-year admission
Many BNOs' children may fall into this category.

Different councils will have different application processes.
Some councils will need you to apply to the local authority which the new school is located. They can tell you which schools still have places and how to apply.
Some schools only accept direct applications, while some only accept applications through councils.
You can submit an application for a school place up to 30 school days before the intended start date. In-year applications will not be considered any earlier than 4 weeks before an anticipated move to the UK. This is because places cannot be reserved for children who are not ready to take up their place at a school.
不同的市政府 (council)會有不同的申請程序。
有些地區需要家長向心儀學校所屬的市政府 (council) 提出申請。他們可以告訴您哪些學校還有名額,以及如何申請
有些學校只能直接同學校申請,不需經 Council
但有些學校必需經 Council
你可以在開學前的30日內提交插班生入學申請。如孩子4週前還未移居英國,市政府 (council) 不會考慮申請表格。
Example 1: Hertfordshire
In Hertfordshire, you can list up to 4 school preferences. If places are available, they’ll offer you the highest preference possible. There is no guarantee that your preferred school will be available for your child.
Research schools to help you make the right school preferences for your child
Contact the school direct if you’re looking for a nursery.
在赫特福德郡 (Herfordshire) ,你最多可以列出四間學校。如果有空位,他們會為你提供你最高優先的學校。但是不能保證你的孩子可以去首選的學校。
研究每間學校, 以幫助你為孩子選擇正確的學校
There are 4 steps with the application for in-year admission in Hertfordshire:
1) Create an account
2) Login and apply for a new school place
You can list up to 4 Hertfordshire schools
You need to apply direct to some schools
3) Attach your proof address to your application
You will need to provide 2 documents showing yours and your child’s current or new address. (Council tax bill, utility bill, solicitor’s letter upon completion or signed tenancy agreement).
4) Check if the school needs extra information
They’ll let you know if you’re successful within 2-3 weeks. Then you need to accept or decline any place offered.
赫特福德郡 (Hertfordshire) 的插班生入學申請分四個步驟:
1) 創建一個帳戶
2) 登錄併申請新的學校名額
你最多可以列出4間赫特福德郡(Hertfordshire) 學校
3) 將你的住址證明附加到您的申請中
需要提供兩樣文件,顯示你以及你孩子的英國目前地址或新地址。(英國的差餉, 水電費單,律師在完成或簽署租賃協議時的信)
4) 檢查學校是否需要其他信息
他們會在2-3週內通知你是否成功。 然後,你需要接受或拒絕他提供的學位。
Example 2: Surrey
例子 2:
There are two types of in-year admission in Surrey
CMA - Apply through council
CMA - 必需經 Council
For community and voluntary controlled schools
You can choose up to 3 schools
SMA - Apply directly to school
SMA - 直接同學校申請
For academies, foundation, free, trust and voluntary aided schools
可以使用以下的連結來查看哪些學校使用 SMA和CMA
You can check which schools uses SMA and CMA with the following links
小學名單 A list of primary schools -
中學名單 A list of secondary schools
Real example:
Secondary school
a 14 years old student came to the UK in September 2020 with her family
applied both SMA and CMA
SMA - applied to few schools but most has a long waiting list
CMA - chosen 2 schools (first choice was on waiting list and second choice has a place)
due to COVID-19, she waited around 2 month for a school place
同時用 SMA 和 CMA
用 SMA 申請了幾間學校,但多數學校等候名單很長
用 CMA 與 Council 申請了兩間學校(首選在等候名單中,而第二選擇有位)
由於 COVID-19,她等了2個月左右才上學
Primary school
a student applied for a Year 4 primary school place
she only applied through CMA
picked few schools within walking distance
the Council gave her a school place given there was a space in one of the school
due to COVID-19, she waited around 1 month for a school place
她只通過 CMA 申請
Council 給了她一個學位,因為其中一間學校有空間
不要完全信任 Ofsted 報告
Don't trust Ofsted report completely
Contact the school directly before applying (some schools may tell you whether they have places)
將會移民到英國的14至19歲香港學生,請參閱我們 '英國插班生的尷尬年齡' 的文章。
For those 14 to 19 years old HK students who will immigrate to the UK, please read our post on 'Awkward age of in-year admission'.
For Faith Schools:
You may need to apply to the individual school, either to register for entrance tests or provide evidence of church attendance. Some faith schools will require a supplementary information form (SIF) to be sent directly to them. Each faith schools has a different deadline to the local authority. Please check carefully.
你可能需要向各間學校申請,以註冊入學考試或提供教堂出勤證明。 一些宗教學校將需要補充信息表(SIF)直接發送給他們。 每個宗教學校對地方當局都有不同的截止日期。
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By HK-brits