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英國插班生的尷尬年齡 Awkward age of in-year admission

Updated: 14/11/2022


This post is aimed at those 14 to 19 years old HK students who will immigrate to the UK. Those ages are the most awkward due to different exam systems in the UK and HK. For state schools, the UK free education is until age 19, this means students can only repeat one year.

Starting school in September, 2023


UK School Year 2023/24

Age 年齡

Date of birth 出生日期


4 to 5

Sept 2017 to Aug 2018

Year 1

5 to 6

Sept 2016 to Aug 2017

Year 2

6 to 7

Sept 2015 to Aug 2016

Year 3

7 to 8

Sept 2014 to Aug 2015

Year 4

8 to 9

Sept 2013 to Aug 2014

Year 5

9 to 10

Sept 2012 to Aug 2013

Year 6

10 to 11

Sept 2011 to Aug 2012

Year 7

11 to 12

Sept 2010 to Aug 2011

Year 8

12 to 13

Sept 2009 to Aug 2010

Year 9

13 to 14

Sept 2008 to Aug 2009

Year 10

14 to 15

Sept 2007 to Aug 2008

Year 11

15 to 16

Sept 2006 to Aug 2007

Year 12

16 to 17

Sept 2005 to Aug 2006

Year 13

17 to 18

Sept 2004 to Aug 2005

通常,學生會在 Year 10(14/15歲)開始他們的GCSE課程,並在 Year 11(15/16歲)完成,有些學校可能會在 Year 9 開始。然後,學生會他們的 GCSE 成績申請 Year 12 的學位,無論是同一間學校或是另一間學校。

公立學校通常不會接受 Year 11(15/16歲)的新生,除非他們同意從 Year 10 開始。

Normally, students would start their GCSE courses in Year 10 (age 14/15) and finishes in Year 11(age 15/16), some schools might start earlier in Year 9. Then students will apply for a place at Sixth Form (Year 12) with their GCSE grades, either with same school or a different one.

State schools will not generally admit new students at Year 11 (age 15/16) half way unless they agree to repeat a year.


We will discuss each year group and provide some suggestions for reference.

現在香港 Form 2 (age 13/14)

目前在香港中二(13-14歲)的學生將會在2023年9月入讀英國的 Year 10 (14-15歲)。

Students who are currently in Hong Kong Form 2 ( age 13 – 14 ) will enrol into Year 10 ( age 14 – 15 ) in the UK September 2023.

建議 Suggestions:


State and Independent School

  • 繼續插班入讀 Year 10

  • 插班入讀 Year 9 (留級一年)

  • In-year admission into Year 10

  • In-year admission into Year 9

真實案例 Real life case:


State School

  • 一名14歲學生於2020年9月與家人一起來到英國

  • 她應該從香港中二升至中三 = 英國入讀 Year 10,

  • 但是,申請插班入讀 Year 9 ( 留級一年 )

  • 等待2-3個月後才被取錄入讀 Year 9(等待時間的長短取決於你區域或學校)

  • a 14 years old student came to the UK in September 2020 with her family

  • she's supposed to move up from H.K. Form 2 to Form 3 = Year 10,

  • but applied in-year admission for Year 9

  • accepted into Year 9 after 2 to 3 months of waiting (the waiting time will depends on your council or your school)


Please check with your local school as each school has their own in-year admission criteria.

現在香港 Form 3 ( age 14/15 )

目前在香港中三(14-15歲)的學生將會在2023年9月入讀英國的 Year 11 (15-16歲)。

Students who are currently in Hong Kong Form 3 ( age 14 – 15 ) will enrol into Year 11 ( age 15 – 16 ) in the UK September 2023.

建議 Suggestions:


State School

  • 插班入讀 Year 10 (留級一年)

  • 在香港考 iGCSE,然後在2023年9月入讀 Year 12

  • In-year admission into Year 10

  • Take iGCSE in Hong Kong and then enrol into Sixth Form (Year 12) in Sept 2023


Independent School

  • 插班入讀 Year 10 (留級一年)

  • 繼續插班入讀 Year 11,一些私校會為學生提供一年制 GCSE 或 iGCSE精讀課程

  • In-year admission into Year 10

  • In-year admission into Year 11, some independent schools offers a 1 year intensive GCSE or iGCSE course


Please check with your local school as each school has their own in-year admission criteria.

現在香港 Form 4 ( age 15/16 )

目前在香港中四(15-16歲)的學生將會在2023年9月入讀英國的 Year 12(16-17歲)。

Students who are currently in Hong Kong Form 4 ( age 15 – 16 ) will enrol into Year 12 ( age 16 – 17 ) in the UK September 2023.

建議 Suggestions:


Independent School

  • 插班入讀 Year 11,一些私校會為學生提供一年制 GCSE 或 iGCSE精讀課程

  • In-year admission into Year 11, some independent schools offers a 1 year intensive GCSE or iGCSE course


State School

  • 在香港考 iGCSE,然後在2023或2024年9月入讀 Year 12

  • 在英國自修生形式,在當地學校報考 GCSE 並支付考試費用(不同的考試局會有不同的標準,請查看考試局的網站以獲取更多詳細信息)

  • Take iGCSE in Hong Kong and then enrol into Sixth Form (Year 12) in Sept 2023/2024

  • Self-study GCSE in the UK and apply as a private candidate at your local school and pay for the exam fee (Different exam boards have different criteria, so check the exam boards website for more details)

其他選擇 Other options

  • 完成香港DSE,然後來英國入讀大學預科課程 (foundation) 或大學一年級

  • 一些大學預科課程 (Foundation Programmes) 也接受中五香港學生

  • 在香港考 IB,然後到英國讀大學一年級

  • Finish HK DSE and then come to UK for University Year One or Foundation Year

  • Some University Foundation Programmes also accept Form 5 HK students

  • Take IB or A-level in HK and then come to UK for University Year One


Please check with your uni and subject to see what requirements and what English qualifications you need. Some uni will require DSE students to score a certain grade for International English Language Testing System (IELTS).

大學英語要求 University English Requirements

以作參考 For reference:


Please check with your local school as each school has their own in-year admission criteria.

現在香港 Form 5 ( age 16/17 )

目前在香港中五(16-17歲)的學生將會在2023年9月入讀英國的 Year 13(17-18歲)。

Students who are currently in Hong Kong Form 5 ( age 16 – 17 ) will be attending Year 13 ( age 17 – 18 ) in the UK September 2023.

建議 Suggestions:


State School

  • 現在香港考 iGCSE,然後在2023年9月入讀 Year 12

  • Take iGCSE in Hong Kong now and then start Sixth Form Year 12 in Sept 2023

  • 在英國當地的 College 報讀職業課程 (免費)

  • Apply for vocational courses at your UK local college (free)


Independent School

  • 插班入讀 Year 12,一些私校會為學生提供一年制 GCSE 或 iGCSE 精讀課程和一年 A-Level 精讀課程

  • In-year admission into Year 12, some independent schools offers a 1 year intensive GCSE or iGCSE course and a 1 year intensive A-Level course.

其他選擇 Other options

  • 完成香港DSE,然後來英國入讀大學一年級或 預科課程 (foundation)

  • 在香港考 IB 或 A-level,然後到英國讀大學一年級

  • Finish HK DSE and then come to UK for University Year One or Foundation Year

  • Take IB in HK and then come to UK for University Year One


Please check with your uni and subject to see what requirements and what English qualifications you need. Some uni will require DSE students to score a certain grade for International English Language Testing System (IELTS).

大學英語要求 University English Requirements

以作參考 For reference:


Please check with your local school as each school has their own in-year admission criteria.

現在香港Form 6 ( age 17 – 18 )


Students who are currently in Hong Kong Form 6 ( age 17 – 18 ) will be attending University Year One or Foundation Year ( age 18 – 19 ) in the UK September 2023.

建議 Suggestions:

  • 在英國當地的 College 報讀職業課程 (免費)

  • Apply for vocational courses at your UK local college (free)


Other options

  • 完成香港DSE,然後來英國入讀大學一年級或預科課程 (foundation)

  • 在香港考 IB 或 A-level,然後到英國讀大學一年級

  • Finish HK DSE and then come to UK for University Year One or Foundation Year

  • Take IB or A-level in HK and then come to UK for University Year One


Please check with your uni and subject to see what requirements and what English qualifications you need. Some uni will require DSE students to score a certain grade for International English Language Testing System (IELTS).

大學英語要求 University English Requirements

以作參考 For reference:


Please check with your University as each school has their own in-year admission criteria.

現在香港大學一年級 ( age 18 – 19 )


Hong Kong students who are currently in University Year 1 ( age 18 – 19 )

建議 Suggestions:

  • 轉到英國大學

  • Transfer to a UK University


Please check with your University as each uni has their own admission criteria.

有關申請插班生程序的資訊,請參閱我們 “公立中小學的申請程序” 的文章。

Please read our post on 'Application Process for State Primary and Secondary School' for more infromation about application process for in-year admission.


完成 GCSE 後入讀 Sixth Form 考 A-Level 是傳統方法,但還有其他選擇。

After completing GCSE, enrolling into A-Level is the traditional approach, but there are other options.

  • Further Education College ( BTEC, Advanced Diploma Qualification )

  • Apprenticeships

  • Higher Apprenticeships ( after A-Level or BTEC ) - an alternative to University

  • Traineeships

  • Higher Education Diploma ( students 19+ ) - equivalent to A-Level

  • International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma

有關更多信息,請參閱我們 “ A-Level 或大學替代課程” 的文章。<--- 即將推出

Please read our post on 'Alternatives to A-Level or Univserity' for more infromation.

<-- coming soon

2021年4月 更新

英國內政部 Home Office 出了一些新的指引。如果還末考香港中學文憑考試HKDSE的學生,可以去 UK European Network Information Centre (UK ENIC)*。他們可以做學習水平與現時英國學習體制的可比性認證。他們可以發出Statements of Comparability,去幫助沒有文憑的學生銜接就讀英國學校或學院的高中課程(A level),和獲取16-19歲資助豁免資格。

*新名: UK National Information Centre 因為英國脫了歐 Brexit

April 2021 Update

Home Office has issued a new guidance. For students who haven’t completed their HKSDE qualifications please see the following:

The UK European Network Information Centre (UK ENIC) * provides expert advice on behalf of the UK government on the comparability of international qualifications, including those from Hong Kong to UK qualifications. UK ENIC has conducted research into the comparable levels of the years of study that precede the full completion of the HKDSE and are therefore able to issue Statements of Comparability, despite the formal exit qualification not having been completed, to help guide schools and colleges on A level enrolment and 16-19 funding exemptions.

* New name: UK National Information Centre due to Brexit

我們的聯合創辦人Sunny和Alex在香港台 ´英與你宵夜’節目上講介了有關有尷尬年齡的香港學生來到英國可以點做?她們也分享了兩個真實個案!(去33:46)

Our co-founders Sunny and Alex have explained what Hong Kong students who are at an awkward age can do when they are over here in the UK? They have also shared 2 real cases. (Go to 33:46)

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